Python program to multiply two numbers
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Python Exercises, Practice Questions and Solutions
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- Python program to multiply two numbers
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Simple python program to multiply two numbers
In this program, you will learn how to multiply two numbers in Python in a simple way. First, the two numbers are stored in the variables x and y, respectively, and then, we use the multiplication operator (*) to multiply two numbers.
Output of the above code -
Multiplication of two numbers: 608
Multiplication of two numbers using user inputs
In the given example, we first read two numbers from the user using a built-in function input() and store them in two variables, p and q respectively, and then, we use the multiplication operator (*) to multiply them.
Output of the above code -
Enter first number: 54 Enter second number: 36 Multiplication of two numbers: 1944
Multiplication of two numbers using function
In the given program, we have defined a function multiplication to multiply two numbers. This program allows a user to enter two numbers. We will pass these two values as function arguments to calculate the multiplication in Python.
Output of the above code -
Enter first number: 42 Enter second number: 21 Multiplication of two numbers: 882
Multiplication of numbers using recursion function
Here is the Python program to find the multiplication of numbers using the recursion function. When a user enters two numbers as input, it passes to the function. If the number equals 0, it returns 0.
Output of the above code -
need an explanation for this answer? contact us directly to get an explanation for this answerEnter first number: 15 Enter second number: 63 Multiplication of numbers is 945