
Write a python program to find the area of a rectangle in python


Write a python program to find the area of a rectangle in python

In this exercise, you will learn how to find the area of rectangle in Python. There are different ways to calculate the area of a rectangle. Here, we have mentioned most of them-

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Python Area of Rectangle

If we know the width and height of a rectangle, then we can easily calculate the area of a rectangle using the following formula-

Area = Width * Height

The following Python program allows user to enter the width and height of a rectangle. Next, we are calculating the area as per the formula Area = width * height-

# Python Program to find Area of a Rectangle

width = float(input('Please enter width of a rectangle: '))
height = float(input('Please enter height of a rectangle: '))

# calculate the area
Area = width * height

print("\nArea of a Rectangle is: %.2f" %Area)

Output of the above code - 

Please enter width of a rectangle: 31
Please enter height of a rectangle: 51

Area of a Rectangle is: 1581.00

Find area and perimeter of rectangle using function

The following program allows user to enter the width and height of a rectangle. We will pass these values to the function as arguments to calculate the area of a rectangle by using the formula Area = width * height. Next, we calculate the perimeter of a rectangle by using the formula 2 * (width + height). Finally, print the area and the perimeter of a rectangle.

def AreaOfRectangle(width, height):
    # calculate the area
    Area = width * height
    # calculate the Perimeter
    Perimeter = 2 * (width + height)
    print("\n Area of a Rectangle is: %.2f" %Area)
    print(" Perimeter of Rectangle is: %.2f" %Perimeter)
width = float(input('Please Enter the Width of a Rectangle: '))
height = float(input('Please Enter the Height of a Rectangle: '))
AreaOfRectangle(width, height)

Find area of a rectangle using classes

In the given example, we have created a class called rectangle and used the __init__() method to initialise the values of that class. This method returns self.w*self.h which is the area of the class.

class rectangle():
    def __init__(self,w,h):
    def area(self):
        return self.w*self.h
width=int(input("Please enter width of a rectangle:"))
height=int(input("Please enter height of a rectangle:"))
print("Area of rectangle:",obj.area())

Output of the above code: 

Please enter width of a rectangle:129
Please enter height of a rectangle:67
Area of rectangle: 8643

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