
Write a python program to input week number and print week day


Write a python program to input week number and print week day

In this exercise, you will learn how to write a Python program to input a week number and print the week day. For example, if the user enters 1, that implies it is Monday, and if the user type 7 then, the output should be Saturday.

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For implementing this, we need to take input from the user and store it in a variable. After taking input from the user, we have to compare that number with 1 to 7 or we can say comparing that number with a day of a week. So the logic goes like – if the number is equal to 1 then it is Monday, if the number is 2 then it is Tuesday, like that we have to compare with each day of the week.

The given Python program implements the above logic and prints the week day -

# Python program to input week number and print week day
weekday = int(input("Enter weekday number (1-7) : "))

if weekday == 1 :

elif weekday == 2 :

elif(weekday == 3) :

elif(weekday == 4) :

elif(weekday == 5) :

elif(weekday == 6) :

elif (weekday == 7) :

else :
    print("\nPlease enter any weekday number (1-7)")


Enter weekday number (1-7) : 5



Enter weekday number (1-7) : 2


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