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Python Exercises, Practice Questions and Solutions 


Write a program in Python to use the string join operation to create a string that contains a colon as a separator
Write a program in Python to replace a, b with 1, 3 respectively in a string
Write a program in Python to encode and decode the following string
Write a program in Python to read content from one file and write in another file.
Write a program in Python to create a dictionary from the given sequence of keys and value provided by the user
Write a list comprehension that returns all the pairs in a dictionary whose associated values are greater than zero
Write a program in Python to keep count of this given list starting from 100
Write a program in Python to calculate the value of the following expression by using lambda function
Write a program in Python to calculate the Fahrenheit of the following Celsius list by using Lambda function
Write a program in Python to filter the given list if the given expression evaluates to true
Write a Python program to count the occurrences of each word in a given sentence
Write a program to calculate simple interest in Python
Write a python program to calculate total marks percentage and grade of a student
Write a python program to find the area of a rectangle in python
Write a program to find the largest of three numbers in Python
How do you transpose a matrix using list comprehension in Python?
How do you make a simple calculator in Python?
How do you find the prime factor of a number in Python?
Write a program to read two numbers and print their quotient and remainder in Python
Write a python program to sort words in alphabetical order
total questions: 31





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