
Write a list comprehension that returns all the pairs in a dictionary whose associated values are greater than zero


Write a list comprehension that returns all the pairs in a dictionary whose associated values are greater than zero

Suppose the dictionary is -

{'English': 11, 'Aptitude': -3, 'Reasoning': 10, 'GK': -2}

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Python has predefined iteritems() method that returns an iterator over the dictionary’s (key, value) pairs.

Syntax of Python iteritems()

This return the iterator over the dictionary's key value pairs.

This is the following solution to return all the pairs in a dictionary whose associated values are greater than zero.

dict = {'English': 11, 'Aptitude': -3, 'Reasoning': 10, 'GK': -2}
for x in dict.iteritems():
    if x[1] > 0:
        print x
Output of the above code

('Reasoning' , 10)

('English' , 11 )

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