
Write a program in Python to use the string join operation to create a string that contains a colon as a separator


Write a program in Python to use the string join operation to create a string that contains a colon as a separator

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In Python append() method is used to add an item to the end of the list. It adds a single item to the existing list. On every append function call the length of the list increases by one.

Syntax of append() method

Here, item is the required parameter, it is of any data type. This method returns the updated existing list.

This is following solution to create a string that contains a colon as a separator.

content = []
str = ':'.join(content)
print str
Output of the above code


In the above code, we have taken a blank content list and appends the four elements by using append method. We have used join() method to add a colon as a separator.

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