In the TIMESTAMP data type, the relative value which is used to decrease or increase absolute value of time stamp is classified as
belongs to collection: DBMS - SQL MCQ
- The SQL database language includes statements for:
- A command to remove a relation from an SQL database
- Which SQL Query is use to remove a table and all its data from the database?
- A type of query that is placed within a WHERE or HAVING clause of another query is called
- Aggregate functions are functions that take a ___________ as input and return a single value
- Select __________ from instructor where dept name= ’Comp. Sci
- All aggregate functions except _____ ignore null values in their input collection
- A Boolean data type that can take values true, false, and________
- Select count (____ ID)
- The ____ connective tests for set membership, where the set is a collection of values produced by a select clause. The ____ connective tests for the absence of set membership
- We can test for the nonexistence of tuples in a subquery by using the _____ construct
- Dates must be specified in the format
- An ________ on an attribute of a relation is a data structure that allows the database system to find those tuples in the relation that have a specified value for that attribute efficiently, without scanning through all the tuples of the relation
- Which of the following is used to store movie and image files ?
- The user defined data type can be created using
- Values of one type can be converted to another domain using which of the following ?
- Which of the following closely resembles Create view ?
- In contemporary databases the top level of the hierarchy consists of ______, each of which can contain _____
- Which of the following statements creates a new table temp instructor that has the same schema as instructor
- The____condition allows a general predicate over the relations being joined
- Which of the join operations do not preserve non matched tuples
- What type of join is needed when you wish to include rows that do not have matching values?
- How many join types in join condition:
- Which join refers to join records from the right table that have no matching key in the left table are include in the result set:
- In SQL the statement select * from R, S is equivalent to
- Which join condition contains an equality operator:
- A __________ is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data
- The CREATE TRIGGER statement is used to create the trigger. THE _____ clause specifies the table name on which the trigger is to be attached. The ______ specifies that this is an AFTER INSERT trigger
- What are the after triggers ?
- The variables in the triggers are declared using
- The default extension for an Oracle SQL*Plus file is:
- Triggers ________ enabled or disabled
- To include integrity constraint in a existing relation use :
- Which of the following is not a integrity constraint ?
- Which of the following is the right syntax for assertion?
- Which of the following can be addressed by enforcing a referential integrity constraint?
- Drop Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a _________ constraint
- ____________ is preferred method for enforcing data integrity
- SQL stands for ________
- The SQL command to create a table is:
- A ________ is a stored program that is attached to a table or a view
- The DROP TABLE statement:
- SQL views can be used to hide:
- The SQL statement to create a view is:
- To update an SQL view, the DBMS must be able to associate the column(s) to be updated with:
- Which of the following is NOT a type of SQL constraint?
- A ________ is a program that performs some common action on database data and that is stored in the database
- For what purposes are views used?
- What is an SQL virtual table that is constructed from other tables?
- When using the SQL INSERT statement:
- What is not an advantage of stored procedures?
- A reason for using an SQL view to hide columns is:
- Which of the following is an SQL trigger supported by Oracle?
- The SQL ALTER statement can be used to:
- What SQL structure is used to limit column values of a table?
- Which is NOT one of the most common types of SQL CHECK constraints?
- What is an advantage of placing computations in SQL views?
- Views constructed from SQL SELECT statements that conform to the SQL-92 standard may not contain:
- ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for
- The language which has recently become the defacto standard for interfacing application programs with relational database system is
- A report generator is used to
- Count function in SQL returns the number of
- The statement in SQL which allows to change the definition of a table is
- Which of the following is correct:
- Which of the following is a valid SQL type?
- Which of the following is an advantage of view?
- Which of the following is a legal expression in SQL?
- Which of the following is a comparison operator in SQL?
- Which one of the following is not true for a view:
- To delete a particular column in a relation the command used is:
- The ______ operator is used to compare a value to a list of literals values that have been specified
- _____________ function divides one numeric expression by another and returns the remainder
- A data manipulation command the combines the records from one or more tables is called
- _________ is a virtual table that draws its data from the result of an SQL SELECT statement
- A table joined with itself is called
- _________ data type can store unstructured data
- SQL is a standard language for ________
- SQL stands for _________
- Structured Query Language is an __________ Standard
- Which of the following function cannot be performed by SQL ?
- The command to eliminate a table from a database is:
- The command to eliminate a row from a table is:
- Which one of the following sorts rows in SQL?
- Which of the following is the correct processing order for SQL SELECT statements?
- A view is which of the following?
- Which of the following is valid SQL for an Index?
- Find the SQL statement below that is equal to the following:
- Which of the following is the original purpose of SQL?
- The benefits of a standard relational language include which of the following?
- Which of the following do you need to consider when you make a table in SQL?
- ON UPDATE CASCADE ensures which of the following?
- You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following?
- The wildcard in a SELECT statement is which of the following?
- The wildcard in a WHERE clause is useful when?
- The HAVING clause does which of the following?
- What type of join is needed when you wish to return rows that do have matching values?
- Which of the following statements is true concerning routines and triggers?
- The following SQL is which type of join:
- Embedded SQL is which of the following?
- The following SQL is which type of join:
- How many tables may be included with a join?
- Which of the following is one of the basic approaches for joining tables?
- Which of the following statements is true concerning subqueries?
- Which of the following is a correlated subquery?
- A UNION query is which of the following?
- Which of the following is true concerning triggers?
- Which of the following is true concerning a procedure?
- Which of the following is true concerning systems information in an RDBMS?
- A CASE SQL statement is which of the following?
- In SQL, which command is used to make permanent changes made by statements issue since the beginning of a transaction?
- In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to enable/disable a database trigger?
- Which command is used to remove an index from the database in SQL?
- Which command is used to remove a table from the database in SQL?
- In SQL, GRANT command is used to
- In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to enable/disable all triggers on a table?
- In SQL, which command is used to add new rows to a table?
- An operation that will increase the length of a list is
- In SQL, which command is used to add a column/integrity constraint to a table
- In SQL, which command is used to changes data in a table?
- Which of the following command(s) is(are) used to recompile a stored procedure in SQL?
- Which command(s) is(are) used to redefine a column of the table in SQL ?
- Which command(s) is(are) used to enable/disable/drop an integrity constraint in SQL?
- In SQL, the ALTER TABLESPACE command is used
- In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to create a synonym for a schema object?
- In SQL, which of the following is not a data Manipulation Language Commands?
- In SQL, the CREATE VIEW command is used
- In SQL, which command is used to create a database user?
- In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to redefine an index\'s future storage allocation
- In SQL, which command is used to select data in rows and column from one or more tables?
- The _____ command is used to allocates an extent for the table in SQL
- In SQL, the _____ command is used to recompile a view
- Which language has recently become the de-facto standard for interfacing application programs with relational database system?
- In SQL, the CREATE TABLE is used
- In SQL, which command is used to select only one copy of each set of duplicable rows
- Which command is used to select distinct subject (SUB) from the table (BOOK)?
- In SQL, which command is used to remove a stored function from the database?
- A command that lets you change one or more fields in a record is
- In SQL, the command(s) is(are) used to create an index for a table or cluster
- In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to recompile a stored function?
- Report generators are used to
- In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to change a table\'s storage characteristics?
- In SQL, which of the following is not a data definition language commands?
- In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to issue multiple CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and GRANT statements in a single transaction?
- With which type of SQL Server recovery model are all database changes logged except those that cause large log entries?
- Using SQL Server 2000, which of the following symbols is used to indicate parameters in stored procedures?
- What mode of authentication does SQL Server NOT provide?
- The strictest transaction isolation level provided by SQL Server is called:
- SQL Server program code that is executed instead of an SQL command that needs to be processed is called a(n):
- Which type of SQL Server cursor concurrency places an update lock on a row when the row is read?
- Which of the three possible types of triggers does SQL Server support?
- Which of the following is a way to create and modify tables using SQL Server?
- With which type of SQL Server recovery model, is no logging done?
- SQL Server 2000 stored procedures can:
- With this type of SQL Server cursor concurrency no lock is obtained until the user updates the data
- An SQL Server 2000 language that adds programming elements like parameters, variables, IF, WHILE loops, and so forth, to the basic capabilities of SQL is called:
- With this type of index, the data are stored in the bottom level of the index and in the same order as that index
- In SQL Server 2000, which of the following makes a copy of the changes that have been made to the database since the last complete backup?
- With this type of index, the bottom level of an index does not contain data, but rather it contains pointers to data
- With which type of SQL Server recovery model are all database changes logged?
- SQL Server automatically creates an index on:
- Which of the following is not a factor in determining the concurrency control behavior of SQL Server?
- SQL Server program code that is executed after an SQL command has been processed is called a(n):
- Which of the following refers to the SQL Server transaction isolation level which places and holds locks on all rows that are read?
- The command to remove rows from a table \'CUSTOMER\' is:
- The SQL WHERE clause:
- SQL data definition commands make up a(n) ________
- The SQL keyword(s) ________ is used with wildcards
- Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements?
- A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement is enclosed in:
- The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a(n) ________
- Which of the following are the five built-in functions provided by SQL?
- In an SQL SELECT statement querying a single table, according to the SQL-92 standard the asterisk (*) means that:
- The SQL -92 wildcards are ____ and ____
- To remove duplicate rows from the results of an SQL SELECT statement, the ________ qualifier specified must be included
- SQL query and modification commands make up a(n) ________
- When three or more AND and OR conditions are combined, it is easier to use the SQL keyword(s):
- The Microsoft Access wildcards are ____ and ____
- Find the SQL statement below that is equal to the following:
- To sort the results of a query use:
- To define what columns should be displayed in an SQL SELECT statement:
- SQL can be used to:
- The SQL statement that queries or reads data from a table is ________
- The SQL keyword BETWEEN is used:
- A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement:
- ________ was adopted as a national standard by ANSI in 1992
- SQL is
- Using the SQL GROUP BY phrase with a SELECT statement can help detect which of the following problems?
- Which of the following SQL statements are helpful in database redesign?
- What SQL command can be used to delete columns from a table?
- Which SQL-92 standard SQL command can be used to change a table name?
- How can you find rows that do not match some specified condition?
- A regular subquery can be processed:
- What SQL command can be used to add columns to a table?
- The EXISTS keyword will be true if:
- Changing cardinalities in a database is:
- The NOT EXISTS keyword will be true if:
- To drop a column that is used as a foreign key, first:
- What SQL command will allow you to change the table STUDENT to add the constraint named GradeCheck that states that the values of the Grade column must be greater than 0?
- Which is not true of a correlated subquery?
- What is the full form of SQL?
- Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate Oracle Database structures, including tables?
- Which operator performs pattern matching?
- What operator tests column for the absence of data?
- Which of the SQL statements is correct?
- The FROM SQL clause is used to
- Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve only unique values?
- Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve a maximum value?
- What is a view?
- Which of the following SQL commands is used to retrieve data?
- Which of the following is a SQL aggregate function?
- Which SQL statement is used to update data in a database?
- Which SQL statement is used to delete data FROM a database?
- Which SQL keyword is used to sort the result-set?
- The SQL statement SELECT SUBSTR('123456789', INSTR('abcabcabc', 'b'), 4) FROM DUAL;
- Which of the following group functions ignore NULL values?
- Table Employee has 10 records. It has a non-NULL SALARY column which is also UNIQUE
- The SQL statement SELECT SUBSTR('abcdefghij', INSTR('123321234', '2', 3, 2), 2) FROM DUAL; prints
- The SQL statement SELECT ROUND(45.926, -1) FROM DUAL;
- Which of the following must be enclosed in double quotes?
- Which of the following command makes the updates performed by the transaction permanent in the database?
- Which command undo all the updates performed by the SQL in the transaction?
- Find all the cities whose humidity is 89
- Find the temperature in increasing order of all cities
- What is the meaning of LIKE \'%0%0%\'
- Find the names of these cities with temperature and condition whose condition is neither sunny nor cloudy
- Find the name of those cities with temperature and condition whose condition is either sunny or cloudy but temperature must be greater than 70F
- Find all the tuples having temperature greater than \'Paris\'
- Find all the cities with temperature, condition and humidity whose humidity is in the range of 63 to 79
- Find the names of the countries whose condition is sunny
- Find the name of all cities with their temperature, humidity and countries
- Find the name of cities with all entries whose temperature is in the range of 71 and 89
- Which of the following query finds the names of the sailors who have reserved at least one boat?
- Which of the following query finds colors of boats reserved by \"Dustin\"?
- What does the following query find?
- Which of the following query finds the name of the sailors who have reserved at least two boats?
- Which of the following query finds the total rating of the sailors who have reserved boat \"103\"?
- The SELECT statement SELECT \'Hi\' FROM DUAL WHERE NULL = NULL; Outputs
- If a query involves NOT, AND, OR with no parenthesis
- Let the statement
- Table employee has 10 records. It has a non-NULL SALARY column which is also UNIQUE
- Which of the following SQL commands can be used to add data to a database table?
- Which of the following join is also called as an \'inner-join\'?
- The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a ________
- Which of the following query is correct for using comparison operators in SQL?
- How to select all data from student table starting the name from letter \'r\'?
- Which of the following SQL query is correct for selecting the name of staffs from \'staffinfo\' table where salary is 10,000 or 25,000?
- Select the right statement to insert values to the student table
- joins two or more tables based on a specified column value not equaling a specified column value in another table
- In SQL, which command is used to change a table\'s storage characteristics?
- 'AS' clause is used in SQL for
- The type of function which allows performing additional operations and sending messages to other tables in database program is considered as
- The technique in which source program are replaced by database management generated code is classified as
- In database management systems, the record which contains all the data regarding tuples of database is called
- The database program which handles software applications and include database servers calls to update the data is classified as
- The database interface in which the data is directly entered into the monitor is classified as
- The type of iterator which is used to list the types of attributes that are included in the query result is called
- In query result, the type of variable which is used to loop tuples is called
- The variable in DBMS used to communicate error conditions between database management system and program are
- In database management system, if the cursor is to be moved to next rows in queries result then the command is classified as
- The general purpose programming languages such as COBOL and ADA is classified as
- The kind of record which is used to keep the information of specific database connection is classified as
- In multiple tuples retrieval, the command which is used to fetch queries from database is classified as
- If the completion of processing is to be shown then the command which is used for this purpose is called
- In database management systems, the record which contains all the information needed for one statement of standard query language is called
- In SQL standard, the variable which is considered as communication variable and is string of five characters is named as
- The device which scans program code and extract them from database management system for processing is classified as
- The problem which arises because of the differences between model of programming language and model of database is classified as
- The other name of application programming interface in database management system is
- The statement which is used to invoke any stored procedure is classified as
- The type of clause in programming which is used to specify values that are to be retrieved from the database is classified as
- The kind of iterator which lists the types and names of attributes in the result of query is classified as
- In Standard Query Language, the types of DROP commands include
- In the SQL environment, the collection of schemas is classified as
- The data type which can be fixed length or varying length as CHAR(n) and VARCHAR(n) respectively is classified as
- When the schema is to be dropped in SQL which has no elements then the type of DROP Command used is called
- If the referential integrity constraint is violated then the specific action clause attached by the database designers other than by default action is classified as
- The data type DATE has three components where as its insertion considers
- In SQL, the type of character string value which is specified as being case sensitive and placed between apostrophes is called
- In Standard Query Language, the data types included are
- The data type in SQL which includes various size integers and floating point numbers are classified as
- In the statement DECIMAL (I, j) to specify numeric data type, the digits after the decimal point are called
- The command in SQL which is used when any of the schema is no longer needed in relation is classified as
- In the declaration statement DECIMAL (I, j), the 'I' is classified as
- In fixed length character string CHAR(n), the 'n' represents
- The relations that are declared in SQL through CREATE VIEW statements are classified as
- In SQL, the identifier which are used to indicate the user of schema is classified as
- If the explicit value of attributes is not provided in SQL then the value included in new tuple in such situation is called
- The command used in SQL which deletes the table definition as well as all the records available in the table is called
- The command used in SQL to specify new relation, its initial constraints and attributes is classified as
- In the TIMESTAMP data type, the relative value which is used to decrease or increase absolute value of time stamp is classified as
- The clause used in SQL for ensuring referential integrity is classified as
- In the CREATE TABLE command in standard query language, the referential integrity constraints is specified only after the
- The data type often used in SQL-99 to specify columns with large values is classified as
- The relations that are declared in SQL through CREATE TABLES statements are classified as
- The formatted numbers are declared in SQL by using statement such as
- In SQL, the type of character string value which is padded with blank characters to the right side of string is called
- The type of data in SQL which includes TIME and DATE fields plus six positions for other decimal fractions is classified as
- The data type DATE consists of ten positions where as the data type TIME consists of
- The module in the SQL which is used to identify elements in the schema is classified as
- In varying length character string CHAR(n), the \'n\' represents
- The concatenation operator in SQL which can concatenate two strings is denoted as
- In the statement DECIMAL () to specify numeric data type, the number of decimal digits is called
- Considering the change in schema statement in SQL, the command which is used to delete records of table and leave the definition of table for later use is classified as
- In standard query language, the rows and columns are called respectively
- If the length of bit string is multiple of 4 then it can be specified with the notation called
- The referential triggered action clause in Standard Query Language is attached to constraint called
- The types of bit-string data type are
- If the concatenation operator is applied to two strings such as [ \'ABCD\' || \'wxyz\' ] then the resultant string will be
- In SQL, the constraints, constructs, views, domains and tables are classified as its
- The clause used in CREATE TABLE statement in SQL to specify secondary keys is called
- The possible actions of altering the tables in Standard Query Language includes
- The type of bit strings which is preceded by \'B\' and is placed between single quotes is classified as
- In CREATE TABLE SQL command, each table must have atleast column/s
- Which of the following information does an SQL DDL not specify?
- Which of the following data types does the SQL standard not support?
- Which command is used to create a new relation in SQL
- If a1, a2, a3 are attributes in a relation and S is another relation, which of the following is an incorrect specification of an integrity constraint?
- What is the syntax to load data into the database? (Consider D as the database and a, b, c as data)
- Which of the following commands do we use to delete a relation (R) from a database?
- Which of the following commands do we use to delete all the tuples from a relation (R)?
- Choose the correct command to delete an attribute A from a relation R
- Choose the correct option regarding the above statement
- What does the notnull integrity constraint do?
- Which of the following keywords is used beside the select clause to explicitly specify that duplicates are not removed?
- Which of the following logical connectives is not included in SQL?
- The where clause is a predicate involving attributes of the relation in the ______ clause
- What does the above query do?
- What does the following query do?
- The ________ clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query
- If we specify multiple relations in the from clause and do not specify any conditions in the where clause, what will the result be?
- State true or false: Multiple conditions in the where clause are separated by a “,”
- What does the natural join operation do?
- Observe the following query and choose the correct option. select name, ID
- Which keyword is used to rename a relation in a query?
- While operating with strings, what does “_ _ _%” match with?
- What is the function of the union operation?
- What is the function of the intersect operation?
- What is the function of the except operation?
- When does the predicate is null succeed?
- Using the _______ clause retains only one copy of identical tuples
- Observe the following query and choose the correct option
- What will be the result of the following query?
- Which of the following correctly describes the between predicate in the where clause?
- Which of the following is not a built in aggregate function in SQL?
- Observe the given SQL query and choose the correct option
- State true or false: SQL does not permit distinct with count(*)
- We apply the aggregate function to a group of sets of tuples using the _______ clause
- Choose the correct option regarding the query:
- The _____ aggregation operation adds up all the values of the attribute
- State true or false: Any attribute which is present in the having clause without being aggregated must not be present in the group by clause
- Which keyword is used to rename the resulting attribute after the application of the aggregation function?
- What values does the count(*) function ignore?
- What is a subquery?
- If a set is a collection of values given by the select clause, The ______ connective tests for set membership
- State true or false : Nested Subqueries cannot be used for comparing two different sets
- What is the result of the following query?
- The ________ comparison checker is used to check “each and every” condition
- The ______ construct returns true if a given tuple is present in the subquery
- What is a correlated sub-query?
- The _________ construct returns true if the argument in the sub-query is void of duplicates
- State true or false: We can use Subqueries inside the from clause
- Choose the correct option regarding the following query:
- SQL subqueries that can occur wherever a value is permitted provided the subquery gives only one tuple with a single attribute are called _________
- Insert the appropriate key word in the blank in the query ( A is a relation)
- How many relations can a delete command operate on?
- What is the result of the following query?
- What is the format of entering date into a database while inserting data into it?
- Choose the correct option regarding the following query
- To change a value in a tuple without changing all the values in the tuple, we use the _____ statement
- What does the following query do?
- State true or false: We cannot write a where clause under an update command
- Scalar Subqueries can be used in the SQL update statement when they are used under the ____ clause
- Which of the following cannot be used to modify the data in a database
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