
C++ program to print all subsequences of a String

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Write a program that accepts input from user and print all the subsequences of that string.


    Input: abcd
    Output: :   a  ab  abcabcdabd  ac  acd  ad  b  bcbcd  bd  c  cd  d


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  1. Set start=-1end=len, where len=length of string.
  2. Set curStr="", print it
  3. Fix character and add it into curStr and print curStr.
  4. for i = start +1 to end
    Fix character in curStr and prints the string
  5. Recursively generate all subsets starting from fix character.
  6. After each recursive call, remove the last character to generate the next sequence.
  7. Clear the curStr
  8. Set start=start+1
  9. if start < n , go to step 3.
  10. Stop.

Time Complexity: O(2n)


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void printSubsequences(string str, int start, int end, string curStr = ""){
	//base case
	if (start == end) {
	//print current string permutation
	cout<<curStr<< "  ";
	for (int i = start + 1; i< end; i++) {
		curStr += str[i];
		printSubsequences(str, i, end, curStr);
		curStr = curStr.erase(curStr.size() - 1);

int main(){
	string s;

	cout<< "Enter string : ";
	cin>> s;
	int len = s.size();
	cout<< "Subsequences : ";
	printSubsequences(s, -1, len);
	return 0;


Enter string : abcd
Subsequences :   a  ab  abcabcdabd  ac  acd  ad  b  bcbcd  bd  c  cd  d

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