C++ programming questions

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Write a complete C++ program for practicing linked lists to display a linked list with the values (0-1-2-3), insert a node which has a value (4) at the end of the linked list and delete the last node of the linked list (4)
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write any program in c++ which uses arrays, loops and if-else in one program
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write a C/C++ program to read in a list of integers from a file, array.txt, find the maximal number and print it out
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Write a program to display the area and perimeter of a rectangle
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Write an array Tab = {2, 66, 4, 32, 2, 45, 7, 9} and show it using 6 functions each one represents those questions
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Class using C++ programming language
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Write c++ program to read the length and width of a shape, determine whether it is
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Write c++ program to convert a character from lower case to upper case and reverse
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write a c++ program to declare an array and pass it to a void-type function findMax(array) that prints out the maximum value in the array
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write c++ program that asks the user to enter the length, width, and height of a BOX. After the user enters the required parameters, the program calls a float-type function computeVolume(length, width, height) that returns the value of the BOX's VOLUME
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C++ program to implement Hash Table using Template Class
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C++ Menu Driven Program for Stack using Templates
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C++ Program of templated class derived from another templated class
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