
Passing an object to a Non-Member function in C++

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Here, we have to define a Non-Member Function, in which we have to pass an Object to the class in C++ programming language.

What we are doing in this example?

  • We declared a class named Number that has a private data member named num.
  • We define a Non Member function named myFunction(), that will take two parameters 1) object to class Number and 2) an integer variable number.

Using the example, We have to supply a number (from the main() function) to the class's data member using a Non-Member Function.


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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Number
		int num;
	void setNum(int n)
		num = n;
	int getNum(void)
		return num;

//a non member function 
void myFunction(class Number N, int number)
	//calling setter function and asigning the number 
	N.setNum(number) ;
	//calling getter function and printing the value 
	cout<<"The value is: " << N.getNum() << endl;

//Main function
int main()
	//local variable of the main 
	int num;
	//object to Number class 
	Number objN;

	num = 10;
	//supplying this 'num' to the class by passing  
	//the name to the class in a non memberfunction
	myFunction (objN, num);
	return 0;


The value is: 10

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