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What are the Basic Management Functions
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Class using C++ programming language
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Write a java class called Products that reads product information and extracts products information and print it to the user
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java OOP EXAM question Wharehouse, Items
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java program to calculate the ISBN 13 digits
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Write a Java program that performs the following: • Represent Pass/Fail distribution for a course grades as a bar graph. The program should prompt the user to enter either P for pass or F for fail, to stop the user enters S
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Find and Fix the 5 errors in the following code. The program output should be a triangle. For example if the user enters 5, then this will be the output
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What is the output of the following java programs?
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Write a C program to find and print the square of each one of the even values from 1 to a specified value
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Write a C program that read 5 numbers and sum of all odd values between them
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Write a C program that read 5 numbers and counts the number of positive numbers and print the average of all positive values
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Write a C program that read 5 numbers and counts the number of positive numbers and negative numbers
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Write a C program that prints all even numbers between 1 and 50 (inclusive)
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