
Python program to see the working of filter() method

belongs to collection: Python class & object programs


The filter() Method

The filter() method in Python is used to filter elements of the data structure using a conditional function's truthy value.

The conditional function must return a Boolean value i.e. the returned values should be either true or false.


filter (function, iterable)


The function accepts two parameters.

  • function: The Boolean function that checks for the values.
  • iterable: An iterable on a data structure to pass values to the function.

Return value:

The method returns an iterable after filtering off the values from using the function.

Class and method used:

  • Class : Student
    • Method : getStudentInfo() : gets input of the student information from the user.
    • Method : printStudentInfo() : print in student information to the screen.
    • Method : search() : To return whether the student has qualified or not based on the inputted min percentage.
    • Variable : rollno : To store roll number of the student.
    • Variable : name : To store name of the student.
    • Variable : percentage : To store the percentage of the student.

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Program to illustrate the working of filter method

class Student:
    def getStudentInfo(self):
        self.__rollno = input("Enter Roll No : ")
        self.__name = input("Enter Name : ")
        self.__percentage = int(input("Enter percentage : "))
    def printStudentInfo(self):
        print("Roll Number : ", self.__rollno, end = " ")
        print("Name : ", self.__name, end = " ")
        print("percentage : ", self.__percentage, end = " ")
    def Search(self,minMarks):
        if(self.__percentage >= minMarks ):
            return True
            return False

studentList = list()

    ch=input("Continue y/n?")
    if ch=='n':

minPercent =int(input("Enter Qualifying Percentage: "))

FL=list(filter(lambda s:s.Search(minPercent),studentList))
    print('No Record Exist')
    print(" Students qualified are : ")

for s in FL:


Enter Roll No : 101
Enter Name : Shivang Yadav
Enter percentage : 87
Continue y/n?y
Enter Roll No : 102
Enter Name : Amit
Enter percentage : 75
Continue y/n?y
Enter Roll No : 103
Enter Name : Ankur
Enter percentage : 85
Continue y/n?n
Enter Qualifying Percentage: 80
 Students qualified are :
Roll Number :  101 Name :  Shivang Yadav percentage :  87 Roll Number :  103 Name :  Ankur percentage :  85

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