Python programming examples

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Write an algorithm that describes how to find the Square of one number and print the result. Using Flow chart algorithm
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Explain the three data types (integer ,string and Boolean) give the example of each one using python statements
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Write python program that asks the user to enter a positive integer N and print if N is a perfect number or not
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Using the following code, write a Python Program to Print Triangle Number Patterns
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Write python program to create a function that takes two arguments as user input, name and age, and print their value. Test your program by using as input one of the following at a time:
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Write a program to find the sum of even numbers
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Program to convert temperature degree from Celsius to Kelvin
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Program to convert hours into minutes and seconds
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Program to find the type of triangle from the given coordinates
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Program to find the area and perimeter of trapezium
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Program to find the area and perimeter of the semicircle
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Program to convert Kilobytes to bytes and bits
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Write a program to find the quotient and remainder
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