
Python program to add numbers using Objects

belongs to collection: Python class & object programs


Here, we will add numbers created by two objects in Python.

Problem Description: We have used objects consisting of two variables and then added the values of the object.

Objects in Python are instances of class in Python.

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Program to add numbers using Objects in Python

class TwoNum:
    def getValues(self):
        self.__x = int(input("Enter x : "))
        self.__y = int(input("Enter y : "))
    def printValues(self):
        print(self.__x,self.__y, "Sum = " , (self.__x + self.__y) )
    def addObjectValues(self,T):
        R = TwoNum()
        R.__x = self.__x+T.__x
        R.__y = self.__y+T.__y
        return R

print("For Object 1 : ")
obj1 = TwoNum()

print("For Object 2 : ")
obj2 = TwoNum()

sumObj = obj1.addObjectValues(obj2)

print("Object 1 :",end=" ")

print("Object 2 :", end = " ")

print("Sum Object :", end = " ")


For Object 1 : 
Enter x : 43
Enter y : 76
For Object 2 : 
Enter x : 12
Enter y : 89
Object 1 : 43 76 Sum =  119
Object 2 : 12 89 Sum =  101
Sum Object : 55 165 Sum =  220

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Python class & object programs

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