
Program to build flashcard using class in Python

belongs to collection: Python class & object programs


Flashcard is a virtual card that contains a word and its meaning and for each word, we define a separate flashcard. Python's class could help us in making such a type of program.

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# We are making a flash card program, 
# in which each flashcard will consists 
# of a word and its meaning
# Using class in python would make it easy

# We are defining a class 'card'
class card(object):
    def __init__(self, word, meaning):
        self.word = word
        self.meaning = meaning
    def getmeaning(self):
        return self.meaning
    def __str__(self):
        return self.word + ' : ' + self.getmeaning()
# Defining a function for making a list of flashcards
def flashcard(flash, words, meanings):
    flash.append(card(words, meanings))
    return flash

lists = []
y = input("Want to add a flashcard? ")
while y == 'y' or y == 'Y':
    word = input("Word you want to add to your Flashcards: ")
    meaning = input("Meaning of the word in flashcard: ")
    lists = flashcard(lists, word, meaning)
    y = input("for adding another flashcard, press Y/y :")

print("----Following are the flashcards you made----")
for el in lists:


Want to add a flashcard? y
Word you want to add to your Flashcards: rescind
Meaning of the word in flashcard: cancel officially
for adding another flashcard, press Y/y :y
Word you want to add to your Flashcards: hegemony
Meaning of the word in flashcard: dominance over certain area
for adding another flashcard, press Y/y :y
Word you want to add to your Flashcards: brazen
Meaning of the word in flashcard: unrestrained by convention or proprierty
for adding another flashcard, press Y/y :n
----Following are the flashcards you made----
rescind : cancel officially
hegemony : dominance over certain area
brazen : unrestrained by convention or proprierty

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Python class & object programs

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