
Multiple Inheritance Example in Python

belongs to collection: Python class & object programs


We will see a program to illustrate the working of multiple inheritance in Python using profit/ loss example.

Problem Description: The program will calculate the net income based on the profits and losses to the person using multiple inheritance.

Multiple Inheritance in Python:

When a single class inherits properties from two different base classes, it is known as multiple inheritance.

The below diagram will make things clearer,

multiple inheritance example

All Class and Methods used in the program:

  • Class : Profit
    • Method : getProfit() -> get input of profit from user.
    • Method : printProfit() -> prints profit on screen
  • Class : Loss
    • Method : getLoss() -> get input of loss from user.
    • Method : printLoss() -> prints loss on screen.
  • Class : Balance
    • Method : getBalance() -> call the getProfit() and getLoss() methods.
    • Method : printBalance() -> calls printProfit() and printLoss() methods and calculates balance from profit and loss.

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Program to illustrate the Multiple Inheritance in Python

class Profit:
    def getProfit(self):
        self._profit=int(input("Enter Profit: "))
    def printProfit(self):

class Loss:
    def getLoss(self):
        self._loss=int(input("Enter Loss: "))
    def printLoss(self):
class Balance(Profit,Loss):
    def getBalance(self):
    def printBalance(self):
user1 = Balance()


Enter Profit: 12500
Enter Loss: 7650
Profit: 12500
Loss: 7650
Balance: 4850

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