
Python program to pass objects as arguments and return objects from function

belongs to collection: Python class & object programs


Class in python are blueprints of the object using which objects are created.

Objects are instances of class in python which have fields and method i.e., values and related functions.

Python allows its programmers to pass objects to method. And also return objects from a method. Here is a program to illustrate this,

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Program to pass objects as argument and return objects from function

class TwoNum:
    def GetNum(self):
        self.__x = int(input("Enter value of x : "))
        self.__y = int(input("Enter value of y : "))

    def PutNum(self):
        print("value of x = ", self.__x,"value of y = ", self.__y, )

    def Add(self,T):
        return R

obj1 = TwoNum()
obj2 = TwoNum()
print("Enter values of object 1 ")
print("Enter values of object 2 ")
obj3 = obj1.Add(obj2)
print("Values of object 1 ")
print("Values of object 2 ")
print("Values of object 3 (sum object) ")


Enter values of object 1 
Enter value of x : 43
Enter value of y : 65
Enter values of object 2 
Enter value of x : 34
Enter value of y : 65
Values of object 1 
value of x =  43 value of y =  65
Values of object 2 
value of x =  34 value of y =  65
Values of object 3 (sum object) 
value of x =  77 value of y =  130

Program 2: Program to pass objects as argument and return objects from operator function

class TwoNum:

    def GetNum(self):
        self.__x = int(input("Enter value of x : "))
        self.__y = int(input("Enter value of y : "))

    def PutNum(self):
        print("value of x = ", self.__x,"value of y = ", self.__y, )

    def __add__(self, T):
        return R

obj1 = TwoNum()
obj2 = TwoNum()
print("Enter values of object 1 ")
print("Enter values of object 2 ")
obj3 = obj1 + obj2
print("Values of object 1 ")
print("Values of object 2 ")
print("Values of object 3 (sum object) ")


Enter values of object 1 
Enter value of x : 43
Enter value of y : 65
Enter values of object 2 
Enter value of x : 234
Enter value of y : 56
Values of object 1 
value of x =  43 value of y =  65
Values of object 2 
value of x =  234 value of y =  56
Values of object 3 (sum object) 
value of x =  277 value of y =  121

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Python class & object programs

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