
Python program to add objects \'+\' using operator

belongs to collection: Python class & object programs


Program to add objects using '+' operator in Python.

Problem description: we will add objects using the '+' operator in Python.

In the program, we will create three objects and then add them using the '+' operator. And return the result of addition. Each object will contain two variables that will be added to the variables of other objects on calling the addition operator.

Class and methods used:

  • Class : TwoNum
    • MethodgetValue() -> get input values from the user.
    • MethodprintValues() -> prints values and their sum.
    • Operator__add__() -> adds objects.

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Program to illustrate the working of our solution

class TwoNum:
    def getValue(self):
        self.__x=int(input("Enter X: "))
        self.__y=int(input("Enter y: "))
    def printValue(self):
        print(self.__x,self.__y, "sum = ", (self.__x + self.__y) )
    def __add__(self, T):
        return R

obj1 = TwoNum()
obj2 = TwoNum()
obj3 = TwoNum()

print("Object 1 : ")

print("Object 2 : ")

print("Object 3 : ")

sumObj = obj1+obj2+obj3

print("Values : ")
print("Object 1 :", end = " ")

print("Object 2 :", end = " ")

print("Object 3 :", end = " ")

print("Sum object :", end = " ")


Object 1 : 
Enter X: 65
Enter y: 76
Object 2 : 
Enter X: 34
Enter y: 5
Object 3 : 
Enter X: 23
Enter y: 7
Values : 
Object 1 : 65 76 sum =  141
Object 2 : 34 5 sum =  39
Object 3 : 23 7 sum =  30
Sum object : 122 88 sum =  210

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Python class & object programs

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