The correct syntax for accessing the telnet is
- In one of the pairs of protocols given below, both the protocols can use multiple TCP connections between the same client and the server. Which one is that?
- Which of the following is/are example(s) of stateful application layer protocols?
- Which of the following is the Application layer protocol in Internet Protocol Suite?
- The Application layer in TCP/IP contains the ___________ protocols
- Which of the following is the Application layer protocol in OSI model?
- Identify the correct order in which the following actions take place in an interaction between a web browser and a web server
- What does HTTPS stands for?
- Which of the following protocol is used to retrieve emails?
- Which of the following protocol is used to send email?
- Which one of the following allows a user at one site to establish a connection to another site and then pass keystrokes from local host to remote host?
- Application layer protocol defines
- Which one of the following protocol delivers/stores mail to receiver server?
- The ASCII encoding of binary data is called
- Which one of the following is not an application layer protocol?
- Which protocol is a signalling communication protocol used for controlling multimedia communication sessions?
- Which one of the following is not correct?
- When displaying a web page, the application layer uses the
- This is not a application layer protocol
- The chunk of information at the application layer is called
- Electronic mail uses this Application layer protocol
- Which of the following is/are Protocols of Application layer?
- This is an application protocol that uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols to transfer Web page files to a server. It\'s also used to download programs and other files from a server to your computer
- Telnet protocol is used to establish a connection to
- Which one of the following is false?
- All telnet operations are sent as
- AbsoluteTelnet is a telnet client for
- The decimal code of interpret as command (IAC) character is
- In character mode operation of telnet implementation
- In telnet, the client echoes the character on the screen but does not send it until a whole line is completed in
- Which one of the following is not correct regarding telent?
- Which operating mode of telnet is full duplex?
- If we want that a character be interpreted by the client instead of server
- The protocol used by Telnet application is
- ______ allows you to connect and login to a remote computer
- The correct syntax for accessing the telnet is
- Multiple object can be sent over a TCP connection between client and server in
- HTTP is ________ protocol
- In the network HTTP resources are located by
- HTTP client requests by establishing a __________ connection to a particular port on the server
- In HTTP pipelining
- FTP server listens for connection on port number
- In FTP, client contacts server using ____ as the transport protocol
- In which mode FTP, the client initiates both the control and data connections
- The file transfer protocol is built on
- In file transfer protocol, data transfer can be done in
- What is the port number for HTTP?
- The ______ method when used in the method field, leaves entity body empty
- Which of the following is not correct ?
- The conditional GET mechanism
- Which of the following is present in both an HTTP request line and a status line?
- Ping can
- Ping sweep is a part of
- ICMP is used in
- This allows to check if a domain is available for registration
- Expansion of FTP is
- FTP uses _____ parallel TCP connections to transfer a file
- Identify the incorrect statement
- If 5 files are transferred from server A to client B in the same session. The number of TCP connection between A and B is
- FTP server
- The commands, from client to server, and replies, from server to client, are sent across the control connection in ____ bit ASCII format
- Find the FTP reply whose message is wrongly matched
- Mode of data transfer in FTP, where all the is left to TCP
- In FTP, the password is sent to the server using _____ command
- Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) utilizes ____ as the transport layer protocol for electronic mail transfer
- SMTP connections secured by SSL are known as
- SMTP uses the TCP port
- Which one of the following protocol is used to receive mail messages?
- What is on-demand mail relay (ODMR)?
- An email client needs to know the ____ of its initial SMTP server
- A SMTP session may include
- SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol) defines
- Which one of the following is an SMTP server configured in such a way that anyone on the internet can send e-mail through it?
- SMTP is used to deliver messages to
- When the mail server sends mail to other mail servers it becomes _____ ?
- If you have to send multimedia data over SMTP it has to be encoded into
- Expansion of SMTP is
- In SMTP, the command to write recievers mail adress is written with this command
- The underlying Transport layer protocol used by SMTP is
- Choose the statement which is incorrect incase of SMTP
- Internet mail places each object in
- Typically the TCP port used by SMTP is
- A session may include
- Example of user agents for e-mail
- When the sender and the receiver of an email are on different systems, we need only ______
- TELNET is an abbreviation for ____________
- TELNET is a ________ client-server application program
- When a user logs into a local time-sharing system, it is called ________ login
- When a user wants to access an application program or utility located on a remote machine, he or she performs ___________ login
- NVT uses two sets of characters, one for _____and one for __________
- For data, NVT uses US ASCII characters with the highest order bit set to ______
- For control, NVT uses US ASCII characters with the highest order bit set to ______
- TELNET uses only one TCP connection. The server uses ________ port and the client uses ________ port
- To distinguish data from control characters, each sequence of control characters is preceded by a special control character called ________
- In the _______ mode, the echoing is done by the client
- In the _______ mode, each character typed is sent by the client to the server
- In the ____ mode, line editing (echoing, character erasing, line erasing, and so on) is done by the client
- The _______ is software residing on the remote system that allows the remote system to receive characters from a TELNET server
- The _______ translates local characters into NVT form
- The _______ translates NVT characters into a form acceptable by the remote operating system
- If the sender wants to disable an option, it sends a _______ command
- If the sender wants to enable an option, it sends a _______ command
- If the sender wants an option disabled by the receiver, it sends a _______ command
- If the sender wants an option enabled by the receiver, it sends a _______ command
- SNMP defines the ___________________ to be sent from a manager to an agent and vice versa
- A manager is a host that runs the SNMP _______ process
- An agent is a host or computer that runs the SNMP _______ process
- SNMP uses two other protocols:________ and _________
- _______ defines the general rules for naming objects, defining object types, and showing how to encode objects and values
- We can compare the task of network management to the task of writing a program. Both tasks need rules. In network management this is handled by ___________
- We can compare the task of network management to the task of writing a program. Both tasks need variable declarations. In network management this is handled by _________
- We can compare the task of network management to the task of writing a program. Both tasks have actions performed by statements. In network management this is handled by _______
- SMI emphasizes three attributes to handle an object: _____, ________, and _________
- To name objects globally, SMI uses an object identifier, which is a hierarchical identifier based on a _______ structure
- All objects managed by SNMP are given an object identifier. The object identifier always starts with _______
- To define the data type, SMI uses fundamental _______ definitions and adds some new definitions
- SMI has two broad categories of data type: _______ and _______
- The _______ data types are atomic data types
- SMI defines two structured data types: ________ and _________
- SMI uses another standard, ___________, to encode data to be transmitted over the network
- The _________ ordering enables a manager to access a set of variables one after another by defining the first variable
- The GetRequest PDU is sent from the _______ to the __________ to retrieve the value of a variable or a set of variables
- The Response PDU is sent from the ______ to the ______ in response to GetRequest or GetNextRequest
- The Trap PDU is sent from the ______ to the _______ to report an event
- SNMP uses the services of UDP on two well-known ports, _______ and _______
- _______ runs the SNMP client program _______ runs the SNMP server program
- INTEGER, OCTET STRING, and ObjectIdentifier are _______ definitions used by SMI
- Which of the following could be a legitimate MIB object identifier?
- For a 1-byte length field, what is the maximum value for the data length?
- An object id defines a _______. Add a zero suffix to define the _______
- An SNMP agent can send _______ messages
- The _______ field in the SNMP PDU is an offset that points to the variable in error
- The _______ field in the SNMP PDU reports an error in a response message
- The _______ field in the SNMP PDU consists of a sequence of variables and their corresponding values
- We can divide audio and video services into _______ broad categories
- _______ audio/video refers to on-demand requests for compressed audio/video files
- __________ audio/video refers to the broadcasting of radio and TV programs through the Internet
- ________ audio/video refers to the use of the Internet for interactive audio/video applications
- According to the Nyquist theorem, we need to sample an analog signal ________times the highest frequency
- In ________ encoding, the differences between the samples are encoded instead of encoding all the sampled values
- _________ encoding is based on the science of psychoacoustics, which is the study of how people perceive sound
- ___________ is used to compress images
- ___________ is used to compress video
- The first phase of JPEG is ___________
- The second phase of JPEG is ___________
- The third phase of JPEG is ___________
- Jitter is introduced in real-time data by the _______________
- To prevent _________, we can timestamp the packets and separate the arrival time from the playback time
- A ________buffer is required for real-time traffic
- A __________on each packet is required for real-time traffic
- Real-time traffic needs the support of ____________
- _________ means changing the encoding of a payload to a lower quality to match the bandwidth of the receiving network
- _________ means combining several streams of traffic into one stream
- ________ is not suitable for interactive multimedia traffic because it retransmits packets in case of errors
- ________ is the protocol designed to handle real-time traffic on the Internet
- RTP uses a temporary even-numbered _______ port
- ___________ is a protocol for controlling the flow and quality of data
- RTCP uses an odd-numbered _______ port number that follows the port number selected for RTP
- __________ is an application protocol that establishes, manages, and terminates a multimedia session
- ______ is a standard to allow telephones on the public telephone network to talk to computers connected to the Internet
- A real-time video performance lasts 10 min. If there is jitter in the system, the viewer spends _______ minutes watching the performance
- A _______ shows the time a packet was produced relative to the first or previous packet
- ______ are used to number the packets of a real-time transmission
- In a real-time video conference, data from the server is _______ to the client sites
- A _______ adds signals from different sources to create a single signal
- A _______ changes the format of a high-bandwidth video signal to a lower quality narrow-bandwidth signal
- An RTP packet is encapsulated in _______
- When there is more than one source, the _______ identifier defines the mixer
- What is the port number of the HTTP ?
- What is the port number of the SMTP ?
- Using POP3, the e-mails are stored at
- To access e-mails from any machine and anywhere, we use
- SMTP is used to transfer
- Using IMAP, the e-mails are stored at
- What is the port number for (Post Office Protocol) POP3?
- Port number for ECHO?
- What is the port number for SSH Remote login service?
- PPP provides a protocol for bringing lines up, testing them, negotiating options, and bringing them down again gracefully when they are no longer needed. This protocol is known as:
- PPP handles
- What is the port number for (File Transfer Protocol - Control) FTP?
- Port number for (Secure Shell) SSH?
- The program that accepts the commands for composing, receiving and replying to messages, as well as for manipulating mail boxes is
- A file is being transferred. The time required actually is 6- hours. The mean time between crashes is 2-hours. The time required for the transfer is hours if synchronization is not provided
- What is the port number for (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) TFTP?
- What is the port number for Gopher services?
- To translate the message semantics from one format to other, ............... is used
- A machine that connects to two or more electronic mail systems and transfers mail messages among them is known as
- What is the name of the software package that allows people to send electronic mail along a network of computers and workstations?
- What protocol is used between E-Mail servers?
- Which of the following provides a storage mechanism for incoming mail but does not allow a user to download messages selectively?
- What is the port number for POP3?
- Which of the following file retrieval methods use hypermedia?
- What is the name of the computer based EMMS that provides a common forum where users can check in at their convenience, post messages, actively exchange ideas and participate in ongoing discussions?
- Bulletin board system
- Which of the following allows a simple email service and is responsible for moving messages from one mail server to another?
- To set up a bulletin board system you need
- The application layer of a network
- In Remote Logging, a user logs into a local timesharing system, it is called
- In File Transfer Protocol (FTP), while the control connection is open, the data connection can be opened and closed
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP), uses the same operation used by
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP), uses the well-known port 21 is used for the control connection and port 20 for the
- In the architecture of e-mail, we can have
- In File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a user needs an account (user name) and a password on the
- In EMAIL, We need two VAs and two pairs of MTAs, When the sender is connected to the mail server via
- Mail access starts with the client when the user needs to download e-mail from the
- TELNET is a general-purpose
- Example of command-driven user agents are
- When the sender and the receiver of an e-mail are on the same system, we need only two
- The command of End-of-File in the UNIX operating system is
- Most TELNET implementations operate in one of the modes
- An Email can have fields like, a number, a sender, size of the message and
- Examples of GUI based user agents are Eudora, netscape and
- In electronic mail, the MTA transfers the mail across the Internet via
- The well-known port used for FTP\'s control connection is
- MTA stands for
- FTP copies a file from
- The three modes of TELNET implementations are default mode, character mode and
- When the sender and the receiver of an e-mail are on different systems, we need two VAs and a pair of
- When the sender and the receiver of an e-mail are on the same system, we need only
- In File Transfer Protocol (FTP), the data connection is opened and then closed for each
- Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3), has two modes, Delete Mode and
- The FTP uses the services of
- NVT Stands for
- Post Office Protocol, version 3 (POP3) is simple and limited in
- At the beginning of the Internet era, the messages sent by electronic mail were short and consisted of
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