exercises \ sequence-diagram

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Write a C++ program to check whether the sequence of the numbers in a given array is a "Arithmetic" or "Geometric" sequence. Return -1 if the sequenc is not "Arithmetic" or "Geometric".
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Given two strings, you have to find the shortest common super sequence between them and print the length of the super sequence
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Given an array you have to print the longest bitonic subsequence from the array. A bitonic sequence is a sequence where numbers of that sequence are sorted and they are increasing first then decreasing
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Given a square matrix of size n x n, find the sum of the Zigzag sequence with the largest sum. A zigzag sequence starts from the top and ends at the bottom. Two consecutive elements of sequence cannot belong to the same column
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Draw a sequence diagram for this usecase diagram
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Python Program to Print the Fibonacci sequence
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Given an array of n integers. Find the minimum number of elements from the array to remove or delete so that when the remaining elements are placed in the same sequence order form a sorted sequence
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Given a sequence A of size N, find the length of the longest increasing subsequence from the given sequence
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Given an array of n integers. Find the minimum number of elements from the array to remove or delete so that when the remaining elements are placed in the same sequence order form a sorted sequence
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Given a sequence A of size N, find the length of the longest increasing subsequence from the given sequence
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Given an array of n integers. Find the minimum number of elements from the array to remove or delete so that when the remaining elements are placed in the same sequence order form a sorted sequence
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Given a sequence of numbers you have to print the longest alternating subsequence. A sequence is an alternating sequence when it will be maintaining like, (increasing) -> ( decreasing ) -> (increasing ) -> (decreasing) or (decreasing) -> (increasing) -> (decreasing) -> (increasing)
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