Shortest Common Super Sequence
Given two strings, you have to find the shortest common super sequence between them and print the length of the super sequence.
T Test case
T no of input string will be given to you.
abcd abxy
sghk rfgh
svd vjhfd
1≤ length (string1) ≤100
1≤ length (string2) ≤100
Print the length of the shortest super sequence formed from these two strings.
abcd abxy
6 (abcdxy)
sghk rfgh
6 (srfghk)
svd vjhfd
6 (svjhfd)
Explanation with example:
Let there are two strings str1 and str2.
str1 = "abcd"
str2 = "abxy"
To find out the length of the super sequence from these two string is a bit difficult. To solve this problem we have to follow these steps:
- We have to find out the longest common subsequence between the two strings. From "abcd" and "abxy" the longest common subsequence is "ab".
- After getting the longest common subsequence we will add the non-common elements with the longest common subsequence. Non-common characters from "abcd" is "cd" and from "abxy" is "xy".
- Therefore the length of the shortest common super sequence is:
length of the two strings-length of the longest common subsequencs
The length of the shortest common super sequence is 6 (abcdxy)
Using a dynamic programming algorithm to find out the longest common subsequence between two given string is very efficient and fast as compared to the recursion approach.
Let f(a,b) = count the number of common subsequences from the two string starting from 0 to position a and starting from 0 to position b.
Considering the two facts:
- If the character of string1 at index a and character of string1 at index b are the same then we have to count how many characters are the same between the two strings before these indexes? Therefore,
- If the character of string1 at index a and character of string1 at index b are not same then we have to calculate the maximum common character count between (0 to a-1 of string1 and 0 to b of string2) and (0 to a of string1 and 0 to b-1 of string2).
For the two strings:
str1 = "abcd"
str2 = "abxy"
Recursive algorithm:
DP conversion:
C++ Implementation:
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