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full OOP example program using c# programming : HR information system OOP example
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using method, read c# program asks student to enter his mark out of 10 , then prints the resulting grade
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using method, read c# program asks student to enter his mark out of 10 , then prints the result, either pass or fail
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write c# program to read the number of week day from user, if it was between 1 to 5 then prints "work day", otherwise if it was between 6 to 7 then prints "weekend", solve it using switch statement
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write c# program to read number of month from user, and prints the equavalent month name. solve it in 2 ways, first way using if else, second way using switch case
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write c# program to read student mark between 0 to 100, then prints the equal grade
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write c# program to read student mark between 0 to 10, then prints the result, either pass, or fail
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write c# program to read 2 integers from keyboard and do summation then print the result of summation
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Write a program named CheckMonth2 that prompts a user to enter a birth month and day
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Write a GUI program namedPayrollGUI that prompts the user for a name, SocialSecurity number, hourly pay rate, and number of hours worked. In an attractive format,display all the input data as well as the following:
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write a gui program named EggsInteractiveGUI that allows a user to input the number of eggs produced in a month by each of five chicken
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In Chapter 4, you created a program that generates a random number, allows a user to guess it, and displays a message indicating whether the guess is too low, too high, or correct. Now, create a modified program called GuessingGame2 in which the user can continue to enter values
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