exercises \ methods

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Traverse the List elements using next() and hasNext() methods in Java
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Compare Virtual methods and Abstract methods in c#
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Which design pattern provides a single class which provides simplified methods required by client and delegates call to those methods?
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(Add new methods in BST) Add the following new methods in BST
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(Random time) Modify the ClockPane class with three new Boolean properties— hourHandVisible, minuteHandVisible, and secondHandVisible—and their associated accessor and mutator methods. You can use the set methods to make a hand visible or invisible
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The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods to
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(Implement MyLinkedList) The implementations of the methods contains(E e), get(int index), indexOf(E e), lastIndexOf(E e), and set(int index, E e) are omitted in the text. Implement these methods
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(The MyInteger class) Design a class named MyInteger. The class contains:
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C++ Program to implement Generic methods on Stack using Class Template
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(Conversions between feet and meters) Write a class that contains the following two methods:
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(Conversions between Celsius and Fahrenheit) Write a class that contains the following two methods:
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(Test if a vertex u is in T efficiently) Since T is implemented using a list in the getMinimumSpanningTree and getShortestPath methods in Listing 29.2 WeightedGraph.java, testing whether a vertex u is in T by invoking T.contains(u) takes O(n) time
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