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Regular Expression (also known as RegEx) is a set of characters that defines a search pattern used for matching specific text. Go language supports inbuilt package & methods for the regular expression to perform various operations like filtering, replacing, extracting, validating, etc. The regexp package has the methods to perform these operations.

This study list contains the solved Golang regular expressions programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of regular expressions, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Golang regular expressions programs.


Golang program to check a specified string is started with a given character using regular expression
Golang program to check a specified string pattern within a specified string using regular expression
Golang program to demonstrate the regular expression function FindString()
Golang program to demonstrate the regular expression function FindStringIndex()
Golang program to demonstrate the regular expression function FindStringSubmatch()
Golang program to demonstrate the regular expression function FindStringSubmatchIndex()
Golang program to demonstrate the regular expression function FindAllString()
Golang program to demonstrate the regular expression function FindAllStringSubmatchIndex()
Golang program to demonstrate the regular expression function ReplaceAllString()
Golang program to find a specified string pattern within a byte array using regular expression
total questions: 10





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