exercises \ do-while

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MIS 423 Web Application Development Assignment #2
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Scala program to demonstrate the nested while and do-while loop
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Write a GUI function that will graphically demonstrate the difference between a for loop and a while loop. The function will have two push buttons: one that says ‘for’, and the other says ‘while’
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What is the difference between while, do while and for loop?
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The while loop is particularly good at executing while some condition holds; for example
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Scala program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using while, do-while, and for loop
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Scala program to implement infinite loop using while and do-while loop
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Suppose that while crawling around inside the roof space of your house, you touch a bare wire with your bare hand while touching the brick wall with the other bare hand. Which of the following wires would be most likely to deliver a fatal shock?
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Write a Menu Driven Java Program for If, Switch, While, Do-While and For Loop
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