
Write a GUI function that will graphically demonstrate the difference between a for loop and a while loop. The function will have two push buttons: one that says ‘for’, and the other says ‘while’


Write a GUI function that will graphically demonstrate the difference between a for loop and a while loop. The function will have two push buttons: one that says ‘for’, and the other says ‘while’. There are two separate callback functions, one associated with each of the pushbuttons. The callback function associated with the ‘for’ button prints the integers 1 through 5, using pause(1) to pause for 1 second between each, and then prints ‘Done.’ The callback function associated with the ‘while’ button prints integers beginning with 1 and also pauses between each. This function, however, also has another pushbutton that says ‘mystery’ on it. This function continues printing integers until the ‘mystery’ button is pushed, and then it prints ‘Finally!’.

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function loopGUI

f = figure('Visible', 'off','color','white',...

 'Position', [360, 500, 400,400]);


hbutton1 = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String',...

 'for', 'Position',[150,275,100,50], ...


hbutton2 = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String',...

 'while', 'Position',[150,175,100,50], ...


hstr = uicontrol('Style','text',...





 function callbackfn1(source,eventdata)

 set([hbutton1 hbutton2],'Visible','off');


 for i = 1:5

 set(hstr,'String', int2str(i));

 pause(1) % pause for 1 second





 function callbackfn2(source,eventdata)

 set([hbutton1 hbutton2],'Visible','off');


 cbmb = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...

 'String','mystery', 'Position',[300,50,50,50], ...


 done = false;

 i = 0;

 while ~done

 i = i + 1;






 function cbfn(source,eventdata)

 done = true;




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