
C program to read and print an employee\'s detail using structure

belongs to collection: C Structure and Union programs


C program to read and print an employee's detail using structure

C program to read and print an Employee’s Details using Structure - In this program, we will read employee’s details like name, employee id and salary using structure and then print the entered values.

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Employee Detail program in C

/*C program to read and print employee's record using structure*/
#include <stdio.h>
/*structure declaration*/
struct employee{
    char    name[30];
    int     empId;
    float   salary;
int main()
    /*declare structure variable*/
    struct employee emp;
    /*read employee details*/
    printf("\nEnter details :\n");
    printf("Name ?:");          gets(emp.name);
    printf("ID ?:");            scanf("%d",&emp.empId);
    printf("Salary ?:");        scanf("%f",&emp.salary);
    /*print employee details*/
    printf("\nEntered detail is:");
    printf("Name: %s"   ,emp.name);
    printf("Id: %d"     ,emp.empId);
    printf("Salary: %f\n",emp.salary);
    return 0;


Enter details :
Name ?:Mike
ID ?:1120
Salary ?:76543

Entered detail is:
Name: Mike
Id: 1120
Salary: 76543.000000

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