C programming exam questions

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Write a C program that prints all even numbers between 1 and 50 (inclusive)
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Write a C program that read 5 numbers and counts the number of positive numbers and negative numbers
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Write a C program that read 5 numbers and counts the number of positive numbers and print the average of all positive values
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Write a C program that read 5 numbers and sum of all odd values between them
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Write a C program to find and print the square of each one of the even values from 1 to a specified value
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Write a C program that reads an integer between 1 and 12 and print the month of the year in English
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Write a C program that reads two integers and checks whether they are multiplied or not
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Write a C program that reads three floating values and check if it is possible to make a triangle with them. Also calculate the perimeter of the triangle if the said values are valid
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Write a C program that read 5 numbers and sum of all odd values between them
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Write a C program that reads an integer and check the specified range where it belongs. Print an error message if the number is negative and greater than 80
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Write a C program to print the roots of Bhaskara’s formula from the given three floating numbers. Display a message if it is not possible to find the roots
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Write a C program that accepts 4 integers p, q, r, s from the user where q, r and s are positive and p is even. If q is greater than r and s is greater than p and if the sum of r and s is greater than the sum of p and q print "Correct values", otherwise print "Wrong values"
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Write a C program to convert a given integer (in days) to years, months and days, assumes that all months have 30 days and all years have 365 days
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