
Python Pandas | Set levels on a MultiIndex

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Set levels on a MultiIndex

The pandas.MultiIndex.set_levels() method is used to set new levels on a MultiIndex.


MultiIndex.set_levels(levels, level=None, inplace=None, verify_integrity=True)

To work with MultiIndex in Python Pandas, we need to import the pandas library. Below is the syntax,

import pandas as pd

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Python code to set levels on a MultiIndex

# Import the pandas package
import pandas as pd

# Create arrays
employees = [
        ['E101', 'E102', 'E102', 'E103'],
        ['Alex', 'Alvin', 'Deniel', 'Jenny']

# create a Multiindex using  from_arrays() 
mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(employees, names=('emp_ids', 'names'))

# display the Multiindex
print("The MultiIndex...\n",mi)

# Get the levels in MultiIndex
print("The levels in MultiIndex...\n",mi.levels)

# set the levels in MultiIndex
print("Setting new levels...\n",
    mi.set_levels([['e111', 'e112', 'e113', 'e114'], 
    ['Angelina', 'Emma', 'Kristen', 'Gal']]))


The MultiIndex...
 MultiIndex([('E101',   'Alex'),
            ('E102',  'Alvin'),
            ('E102', 'Deniel'),
            ('E103',  'Jenny')],
           names=['emp_ids', 'names'])

The levels in MultiIndex...
 [['E101', 'E102', 'E103'], ['Alex', 'Alvin', 'Deniel', 'Jenny']]

Setting new levels...
 MultiIndex([('e111', 'Angelina'),
            ('e112',     'Emma'),
            ('e112',  'Kristen'),
            ('e113',      'Gal')],
           names=['emp_ids', 'names'])

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