Marketing exam questions

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Only about 50 percent of corporate venturing efforts reach profitability within six years of their launch
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Business incubators are designed to support fledgling entrepreneurial ventures until they can operate as stand-alone businesses
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Focused corporate venturing permeates all parts of the organization and involves every member of the organization
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For innovation team members to work enthusiastically on innovation projects, it is important to separate the performance of individual team members from the performance of the innovation itself
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The term strategic envelope refers to the scope of innovation efforts of a firm
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Research indicates that leaders of innovative firms spend 50 percent more time on discovery activities than the leaders of less innovative firms
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Proctor and Gamble has centralized 20 to 30 percent of its research efforts in a new corporate-level business creation and innovation unit. They believe that this will assist them only with developing incremental innovations that will help the overall bottom line
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Radical innovations are evolutionary applications of novel ideas within existing paradigms
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Product innovations are commonly associated with a differentiation strategy
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Process innovations are often associated with a low-cost leadership strategy
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The Kraft Heinz Company makes MiO Drops. This is an example of a high-tech source of innovation
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Inappropriate reward systems may cause individuals to commit unethical acts
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Codes of conduct help employees from diverse backgrounds to work more effectively across cultural backgrounds
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