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Chapter: 73 / Q: 2
What red blood cell abnormality would not be expected on the peripheral smear in a patient with HbSC disease?
Chapter: 74 / Q: 1
The peripheral blood smear reveals agranulocytosis, and the bone marrow aspirate shows a pau- city of myeloid precursors with a maturation block at the promyelocyte stage, findings consistent with drug-induced agranulocytosis. Agranulocytosis is attributed to cocaine abuse. What the proposed pat
Chapter: 75 / Q: 1
What is the most likely diagnosis?
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As part of the evaluation, serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) level is drawn. What state- ment is true regarding the use of ACE levels in sarcoidosis?
Chapter: 76 / Q: 1
Further family history is taken; the patient's mother, son, and brother all have platelet counts in the 70,000/ pL to 90,000/ pL range. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Chapter: 76 / Q: 2
What extrahematologic disorders may affect patients with MYH9-related diseases?
Chapter: 77 / Q: 1
What disorder is not typically associated with monocytosis?
Chapter: 77 / Q: 2
After viewing the peripheral blood smear and finding Howell-Jolly bodies, codocytes, and acan- thocytes, further history is elicited from the patient that she had splenectomy after a car accident 30 years previously. What red blood cell abnormality is not usually noted in the red cells of patient
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What finding involving the white blood cell counts is common post splenectomy?
Chapter: 78 / Q: 1
Based on the clinical presentation and above laboratory results, a diagnosis of chronic myelo- monocytic leukemia ( CMML) is considered. Which of the following tests is most important in the diagnostic evaluation of this disease?
total questions: 215




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