
What disorder is not typically associated with monocytosis?


A 76-year-old Female patient is referred to hematology clinic For evalua tion of persis-ten t monocytosis. CBC reveals leukocyte count of 9. 600/ JLL with absolu te monocyte count 1 200/JLL, hemoglobin 1 1 . 3 g/dl. MCV 88 FL. and pla telet count 257,000/JLL.Physical exam is normal. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What disorder is not typically associated with monocytosis?

  1. Folate deficiency
  2. Sarcoidosis
  3. Infections
  4. Lymphoma
  5. Chronic liver disease

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A. Folate deficiency is associated with macrocytic red cells and hypersegmented neutrophils. The remaining disorders represent a partial list of conditions that may be associated with monocytosis.

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