
What extrahematologic disorders may affect patients with MYH9-related diseases?


A 32 -year-old female patient is seen in the hematology clinic for fol low-up of pre-sumed ITP diagnosed during pregnancy 18 months previously. Complete blood count shows leu kocyte count 7 ,000/ pl. hemoglobin 1 3.8 g/dl, and platelet count LjO,OOO/ pl. She had been treated with predn isone. but did not respond. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What extrahematologic disorders may affect patients with MYH9-related diseases?

  1. Renal dysfunction, cataracts, hearing impairment
  2. Atypical infections, increased risk of lymphoma, eczema
  3. Hearing impairment, cardiac defects, increased risk of lymphoma
  4. Developmental delay, hearing impairment, cardiac defects

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A. Renal dysfunction, cataracts, and deafness are associated with the MYH9-related dis-eases, and affect 30%, 16%, and 60% of patients, respectively. Genotype/phenotype correlations have been recognized, and therefore mutation screening is beneficial to help define the risk of acquiring such conditions (Br J Haematol. 20 1 1;154:161-174).

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