
What is the most likely diagnosis?


A LJ 1 -year-old African American female patient is referred for evaluation of leukopenia. She reports she is generally in good health . but she has noted increasing shortness of breath in recent weeks. She has a history of ovarian carci noid tumor that was trea ted surgical ly. Complete blood count shows leukocyte count 2.1 00/fLL. hemoglobin 1 2 .2 g/dl. and platelet count 2 30,000/ fLl. Physical exam shows no splenomegaly or lymphadenopathy. I mages below are from CT chest and bone marrow biopsy.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

  1. Ovarian carcinoid metastatic to lung and bone
  2. Sarcoidosis
  3. Hodgkin lymphoma
  4. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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B. Sarcoidosis, especially when presenting with cytopenias and extrapulmonary involve-ment, can be found in the bone marrow as evidenced by the image above showing noncaseating granu-lomas. In addition, CT scan depicts bilateral hilar adenopathy. The other choices could be considered in the initial differential diagnosis of this patient, but are less consistent with the overall clinical pre-sentation and bone marrow biopsy specimen.

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