
What red blood cell abnormality would not be expected on the peripheral smear in a patient with HbSC disease?


A 3LJ-year-old male patien t is seen in hematology clinic to establish care. He sta tes he has sickle cell disease. Complete blood count shows leu kocyte count of 5.300/,ul. hemoglobin 1 2 .3 g/d l. MCV 77 fl. and platelet count 212 . 000/,ul. The peripheral smear is shown below.

What red blood cell abnormality would not be expected on the peripheral smear in a patient with HbSC disease?

  1. Howell-Jolly bodies
  2. Target cells
  3. Folded forms (\"pita bread\" or \"clam-shell\")
  4. Sickle cells
  5. Acanthocytes

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E. Acanthocytes are not usually seen in patients with SC disease. As shown in the periph-eral blood smear, many codocytes and a few sickle cells are seen. No acanthocytes are present. Howell-Jolly bodies may be present, especially in asplenic or hyposplenic SC patients. Target cells, folded forms, and sickle cells are all red cell findings evident in varying degrees in patients with HbSC disease (Blood. 1991;78(8):2 104).

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