
What finding involving the white blood cell counts is common post splenectomy?


A 76-year-old Female patient is referred to hematology clinic For evalua tion of persis-ten t monocytosis. CBC reveals leukocyte count of 9. 600/ JLL with absolu te monocyte count 1 200/JLL, hemoglobin 1 1 . 3 g/dl. MCV 88 FL. and pla telet count 257,000/JLL.Physical exam is normal. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What finding involving the white blood cell counts is common post splenectomy?

  1. Decreased eosinophils
  2. Decreased neutrophils
  3. Increased lymphocytes
  4. Decreased lymphocytes

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C. The lymphocyte count is commonly increased following splenectomy, and some patients have even been suspected of harboring a lymphoproliferative disorder, such as lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), after splenectomy. However, flow cytometry of the lymphocytes post splenectomy are poly-clonal, whereas in CLL, they are monoclonal.

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