exercises \ methods-in-java

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Traverse the List elements using next() and hasNext() methods in Java
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Java Program For Calculate Percentage of 5 Subjects
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Hospital Management System Project in Java
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How to Compare Two Objects in Java
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Java Program to Find Size of Different Datatype
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(Add new methods in BST) Add the following new methods in BST
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How to Print Different Type of Values in Java
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(Reformat Java source code) Write a program that converts the Java source code from the next-line brace style to the end-of-line brace style. For example, the following Java source in (a) uses the next-line brace style. Your program converts it to the end-of-line brace style in (b)
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Java Program to Calculate Factorial of a Given Number
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Bouncing Ball Program in Java Using Applet
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Which design pattern provides a single class which provides simplified methods required by client and delegates call to those methods?
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(Random time) Modify the ClockPane class with three new Boolean properties— hourHandVisible, minuteHandVisible, and secondHandVisible—and their associated accessor and mutator methods. You can use the set methods to make a hand visible or invisible
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