
C++ Default Argument | Find output programs | Set 2

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This section contains the C++ find output programs with their explanations on C++ Reference Variable (set 2).

Program 1:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int K = 10;

int fun()
    return K;
int sum(int X, int Y = fun())
    return (X + Y);

int main()
    int A = 0;

    A = sum(5);
    cout << A << " ";

    K = 20;
    A = sum(5);
    cout << A << " ";

    return 0;

Program 2:

#include <iostream>
#define NUM 10 + 20
using namespace std;

int fun(int X = NUM)
    return (NUM * NUM);

int main()
    int RES = 0;

    RES = fun();

    cout << RES;

    return 0;

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Answer Program 1:


15 25


Here, we defined two functions fun() and sum().

The fun() function returns the value of global variable K. and function sum() take the second argument as a default argument, here we use fun() as a default value of the Y. If we modify the value of global variable K, then the default value will be changed automatically. 

Now come to the function calls,

1st function call:

A = sum(5);

Here, X = 5 and Y =10, because the value of K is 10 till now. then function return 15. 

2nd function call:

A = sum(5);

Before the second function call, we modify the value of the global variable K. The new value of K is 20. Then X = 5 and Y =20. Then function sum() return 25.

Then the final output "15 25" will be printed on the console screen.

Answer Program 2:




Here, we defined function fun() that takes macro NUM as a default value of the argument.

Now, evaluate the expression used in the return statement,


Then function fun() will return 230, and that will be printed on the console screen.

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C++ find output programs

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