
Program to find the largest & smallest word in a string

belongs to collection: String Programs



In this program, we need to find the smallest and the largest word present in the string.

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny  

Consider above example in which 'an' is the smallest word and 'extraordinary' is the largest word. One of the approach to find smallest and largest word is to split string into words then, compare length of each word with variables small and large. If length of a word is less than length of small then, store that word in small. If length of a word is greater than length of large then, store that word in large.


  1. Define a string.
  2. Convert the string to lowercase to make it case-insensitive.
  3. Add an extra space at the end.
  4. Now, iterate through the string till space is found and add those character into variable word. Add each word into words array. Array words will hold all the words present in the string.
  5. Initialize variable small and large with first word of array.
  6. Iterate through array words, check if the length of word is less than small. If yes, store that word in small.
  7. If the length of word is greater than large. If yes, store that word in large.
  8. At the end, display the smallest and largest word.


string = "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny"  


Smallest word: an
Largest word: extraordinary

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string = "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny";  
word = "";  
words = [];  
#Add extra space after string to get the last word in the given string  
string = string + " ";  
for i in range(0, len(string)):  
    #Split the string into words  
    if(string[i] != ' '):  
        word = word + string[i];  
        #Add word to array words  
        #Make word an empty string  
        word = "";  
#Initialize small and large with first word in the string  
small = large = words[0];  
#Determine smallest and largest word in the string  
for k in range(0, len(words)):  
    #If length of small is greater than any word present in the string  
    #Store value of word into small  
    if(len(small) > len(words[k])):  
        small = words[k];  
    #If length of large is less than any word present in the string  
    #Store value of word into large  
    if(len(large) < len(words[k])):  
        large = words[k];  
print("Smallest word: " + small);  
print("Largest word: " + large);  



Smallest word: an
Largest word: extraordinary



#include <stdio.h>  
#include <string.h>  
int main()  
    char string[] = "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny";  
    char words[100][100], small[100], large[100];  
    int i = 0, j = 0, k, length;  
    //Split the string into words such that each row of array words represents a word  
    for(k=0; string[k]!='\0'; k++){  
        //Here, i represents row and j represents column of two-dimensional array words   
        if(string[k] != ' ' && string[k] != '\0'){  
            words[i][j++] = string[k];  
            words[i][j] = '\0';  
            //Increment row count to store new word  
            //Set column count to 0  
            j = 0;  
    //Store row count in variable length  
    length = i + 1;  
    //Initialize small and large with first word in the string  
    strcpy(small, words[0]);  
    strcpy(large, words[0]);  
    //Determine smallest and largest word in the string  
    for(k = 0; k < length; k++){  
        //If length of small is greater than any word present in the string  
        //Store value of word into small  
        if(strlen(small) > strlen(words[k])){  
            strcpy(small, words[k]);  
        //If length of large is less than any word present in the string  
        //Store value of word into large  
        if(strlen(large) < strlen(words[k]))  
            strcpy(large, words[k]);  
    printf("Smallest word: %s\n", small);  
    printf("Largest word: %s", large);  
    return 0;  



Smallest word: an
Largest word: extraordinary



public class SmallestLargestWord  
    public static void main(String[] args){   
        String string = "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny";  
        String word = "", small = "", large="";  
        String[] words = new String[100];  
        int length = 0;  
        //Add extra space after string to get the last word in the given string  
        string = string + " ";  
        for(int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++){  
            //Split the string into words  
            if(string.charAt(i) != ' '){  
                word = word + string.charAt(i);  
                //Add word to array words  
                words[length] = word;  
                //Increment length  
                //Make word an empty string  
                word = "";  
        //Initialize small and large with first word in the string  
        small = large = words[0];  
        //Determine smallest and largest word in the string  
        for(int k = 0; k < length; k++){  
            //If length of small is greater than any word present in the string  
            //Store value of word into small  
            if(small.length() > words[k].length())  
                small = words[k];  
            //If length of large is less than any word present in the string  
            //Store value of word into large  
            if(large.length() < words[k].length())  
                large = words[k];  
        System.out.println("Smallest word: " + small);  
        System.out.println("Largest word: " + large);  



Smallest word: an
Largest word: extraordinary



using System;  
public class SmallestLargestWord  
    public static void Main()  
        String string1 = "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny";  
        String word = "", small = "", large="";  
        String[] words = new String[100];  
        int length = 0;  
        //Add extra space after string1 to get the last word in the given string  
        string1 = string1 + " ";  
        for(int i = 0; i < string1.Length; i++){  
            //Split the string into words  
            if(string1[i] != ' '){  
                word = word + string1[i];  
                //Add word to array words  
                words[length] = word;  
                //Increment length  
                //Make word an empty string  
                word = "";  
        //Initialize small and large with first word in the string  
        small = large = words[0];  
        //Determine smallest and largest word in the string  
        for(int k = 0; k < length; k++){  
            //If length of small is greater than any word present in the string  
            //Store value of word into small  
            if(small.Length > words[k].Length)  
                small = words[k];  
            //If length of large is less than any word present in the string  
            //Store value of word into large  
            if(large.Length < words[k].Length)  
                large = words[k];  
        Console.WriteLine("Smallest word: " + small);  
        Console.WriteLine("Largest word: " + large);  



Smallest word: an
Largest word: extraordinary



<!DOCTYPE html>  
$string = "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny";  
$word = "";  
$words = array();  
//Add extra space after string to get the last word in the given string  
$string = $string . " ";  
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){  
    //Split the string into words  
    if($string[$i] != ' '){  
        $word = $word . $string[$i];  
        //Add word to string array words  
        array_push($words, $word);  
        //Make word an empty string  
        $word = "";  
//Initialize small and large with first word in the string  
$small = $large = $words[0];  
//Determine smallest and largest word in the string  
for($k = 0; $k < count($words); $k++){  
    //If length of small is greater than any word present in the string  
    //Store value of word into small  
    if(strlen($small) > strlen($words[$k]))  
        $small = $words[$k];  
    //If length of large is less than any word present in the string  
    //Store value of word into large  
    if(strlen($large) < strlen($words[$k]))  
        $large = $words[$k];  
print("Smallest word: " . $small);  
print("<br>Largest word: " . $large);  



 Smallest word: an
Largest word: extraordinary

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