
Program to replace lower-case characters with upper-case and vice versa

belongs to collection: String Programs


Here, our task is to replace all the lower-case characters in the string to upper-case and upper-case characters to lower-case. For this purpose, we need to traverse the string and check for each character. If the character is a lower-case character, make it upper-case by using the language-specific built-in method or add 32 to the lower-case character in C to change the ASCII value of the character.


  1. Define a string and traverse through it.
  2. If the lower-case character is encountered then convert them in upper case character using built-in function.
  3. If the upper-case character is encountered then convert them in upper case character using built-in function.
  4. If it's a character other than upper-case or lower-case alphabet take the character as it is.


str1 = "Great Power"  


String after case conversion : gREAT pOWER

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str1="Great Power";  
newStr = "";  
for i in range(0, len(str1)):  
    #Checks for lower case character  
    if str1[i].islower():  
        #Convert it into upper case using upper () function  
        newStr += str1[i].upper();  
    #Checks for upper case character  
    elif str1[i].isupper():  
        #Convert it into lower case using lower () function  
        newStr += str1[i].lower();  
        newStr += str1[i];          
print("String after case conversion : " +  newStr);  



String after case conversion : gREAT pOWER



#include <stdio.h>  
int main()  
    int i, len = 0;  
    char str[] = "Great Power";  
    //Calculating length of the array  
    len = sizeof(str)/sizeof(str[0]);  
    //Checks every character in the array  
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++){  
        //Checks whether a character is upper case character  
            //Convert that charcter to lower case  
            str[i] = tolower(str[i]);  
        //Checks whether a character is lower case character  
        else if(islower(str[i])){  
            //Convert that charcter to upper case  
            str[i] = toupper(str[i]);  
    printf("String after case conversion : %s", str);  
    return 0;  



String after case conversion : gREAT pOWER



public class changeCase {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        String str1="Great Power";  
        StringBuffer newStr=new StringBuffer(str1);  
        for(int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++) {  
            //Checks for lower case character  
            if(Character.isLowerCase(str1.charAt(i))) {  
                //Convert it into upper case using toUpperCase() function  
                newStr.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(str1.charAt(i)));  
            //Checks for upper case character  
            else if(Character.isUpperCase(str1.charAt(i))) {  
                //Convert it into upper case using toLowerCase() function  
                newStr.setCharAt(i, Character.toLowerCase(str1.charAt(i)));  
        System.out.println("String after case conversion : " + newStr);  




String after case conversion : gREAT pOWER



using System;  
public class Program  
    public static void Main()  
        string str1="Great Power";  
        char ch;  
        System.Text.StringBuilder str2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();  
        for(int i = 0; i < str1.Length; i++) {  
            //Checks for lower case character  
            if(char.IsLower(str1[i])) {  
                //Convert it into upper case using ToUpper() function  
                ch = Char.ToUpper(str1[i]);  
                //Append that character to new character  
            //Checks for lower case character  
            else if(char.IsUpper(str1[i])) {  
                //Convert it into lower case using ToLower() function  
                ch = Char.ToLower(str1[i]);  
                //Append that character to new character  
                ch = str1[i];  
        Console.WriteLine("String after case conversion : " + str2);  



String after case conversion : gREAT pOWER



<!DOCTYPE html>  
    $str1 = "Great Power";  
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str1); $i++){  
        //Checks for lower case character  
        if($str1[$i] >= 'a' && $str1[$i] <= 'z'){  
            //Convert it into upper case using strtoupper() function  
            $str1[$i] = strtoupper($str1[$i]);  
        //Checks for lower case character  
        elseif($str1[$i] >= 'A' && $str1[$i] <= 'Z'){  
            //Convert it into upper case using strtolower() function  
            $str1[$i] = strtolower($str1[$i]);  
echo "String after case conversion : $str1";  



String after case conversion : gREAT pOWER

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