
Odd or Even Program In C (7 Different Ways)

belongs to collection: Basic C Programming Examples


you have to make this program in the following way:

  1. C Program to Find Even or Odd Using if else or Modulus Operator
  2. C Program to Check Even or Odd Using Bitwise Operator
  3. C Program to Check Even or Odd Without Using bitwise or modulus operator
  4. C Program to Check Even or Odd Using Conditional Operator or Ternary Operator
  5. C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd Using Function
  6. C Program to Check Even or Odd Using Switch Case
  7. C Program to Check Even or Odd Using goto statement

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Odd or Even Program In C Using if else or Modulus Operator

Algorithm -:

  1. Program Start
  2. Declaration of variable (int x;)
  3. Input Number From the user
  4. Assign the value in variable
  5. Checking condition
  6. Give answer according to condition
  7. Program End

Program -:

//C Program to Find Even or Odd Using if else or Modulus Operator 

void main()
 // variable Declaration
    int x;  

//input number
    printf("Enter a number\n");

 //Checking Whether a Number is Even or Odd 
    if(x%2==0)   // Modulus (%) returns remainder
        printf("Even number");
        printf("Odd number");


Output -:

Enter a number
Odd number


C Program to Check Even or Odd Using Bitwise Operator

Program -:

/*write a c program to check even or odd using bitwise operator in c */

void main()
    int N;

    //input number
    printf("Enter a number\n");

    // If N & 1 is true
        printf("Odd number");
    // Otherwise
        printf("Even number");


Output -:

Enter a number
Odd number


C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd Without Using Bitwise or Modulus Operator

Program -:

//C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd 
//Without Using Bitwise or Modulus Operator

void main()
    int Num;
    //input number
    printf("Enter a number\n");
    // If (Num/2)*2==Num is true 
        printf("Even number");
    // Otherwise 
        printf("Odd number");

Output -:

Enter a number
Even number


C Program to Check Even or Odd Using Conditional Operator or Ternary Operator

Program -:

//C Program to Check Even or Odd 
//Using Ternary Operator or Conditional Operator

void main()
 //variable declaration
  int num;  
  //input number
  printf("Enter a number\n");
 //using conditional operator checking odd even 
  num%2==0?printf("Even number"):printf("Odd number");

Output -:

Enter a Number
Even number


C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd Using Function

Algorithm -:

  1. Program Start
  2. Declaration of variable (int x;)
  3. Input Number From the user
  4. Assign the value in variable
  5. Calling Function to check even or odd
  6. Check condition
  7. Give answer according to condition
  8. Program End

Program -:

//C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd
//Using Function

void iseven(int num)
        printf("Even number");
        printf("Odd number");
void main()
    int x;  //variable declaration

    //input number
    printf("Enter a number\n");

    //calling function to check odd even


Output -:

Enter a number
Even number


C Program to Check Even or Odd Using Switch Case

Program -:

//C Program to check Even or Odd Using Switch Case Statement

void main()
 // variable Declaration
    int x,y;

  //input number
    printf("Enter a number\n");

 //Checking Whether a Number is Even or Odd
    if(x%2==0)   // Modulus (%) returns remainder
        y = 1;
        y = 0;

        case 0: printf("%d is a odd number",x);
                break ;
        case 1: printf("%d is a even number",x);


Output -:

Enter a number
6 is a even  number


C Program to Check Even or Odd Using goto statement

Program -:

//C Program to Find Even or Odd Using goto Statement

void main()
 // variable Declaration
    int x,y;

  //input number
    printf("Enter a number\n");

 //Checking Whether a Number is Even or Odd
   if (x%2 == 0)
        goto even;
        goto odd;

    printf("%d is a even number\n", x);
    printf("%d is a odd number\n", x);

Output -:

Enter a Number 
13 is a odd number

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Basic C Programming Examples

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