
C Program for Addition of Two Numbers

belongs to collection: Basic C Programming Examples


you have to make this program in the following way:

  • C Program for Addition of Two Numbers (Simple Way)
  • C Program for Addition of Two Numbers Using Function
  • C Program tfor Addition of Two Numbers Using Array

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C Program for Addition of Two Numbers (Simple Way)

To get the Addition of two numbers, we have to first take two numbers from the user, then calculate these numbers to find the sum.

formula to calculate the Addition of two numbers

Sum = a+b;


  • Program Start
  • Declaring Variables (x,y,sum)
  • Input Two Numbers
  • Calculating Sum of Two Numbers
  • Displaying the Sum of Two Numbers
  • Program End


//C Program for Addition of Two Numbers (Simple Way)

void main()
  //Declaring three Variables
     int x, y, sum;           

 //Input  Numbers
   printf("Enter Two Numbers : \n");    
   scanf("%d %d",&x, &y);     

  //Calculating Sum of Two numbers
   sum = x + y ;

//Desplaying Sum
   printf("Sum is : %d", sum);    



Enter Two Numbers :
Sum is : 11

C Program to Find the Sum of Two Numbers Using Function


  • Program Start
  • Declaring variables
  • Input two Number
  • Calling Function to calculate Sum of Two Numbers
  • Print the Sum of two Numbers
  • Program End


//C Program to Find the Sum of Two Numbers Using Function

int sum(int, int);
int main()
 //Declaring Variables
   int x, y, s;

  //Input two Numbers From User
   printf("Enter Two Numbers : \n");
   scanf("%d %d",&x, &y);

 //Calling Function to find the Sum of two numbers
   s = sum(x,y);
  printf("Sum is : %d \n", s);

   return 0;
int sum(int a, int b)
    return (a+b);


Enter Two Numbers :
Sum is : 113

C Program to Find the Sum of Two Numbers Using Array


  • Program Start
  • Declaring variables (sum , a[2])
  • Input two Numbers From the User
  • Calculating Sum
  • Display the Sum of two Numbers
  • Program End


//C Program to Find the Sum of Two Numbers Using Array

int main()
  //Declaring  Variables

   int i, sum = 0, a[2];

//Input Numbers
   printf("Enter Two Numbers : \n");
   for(i=0; i<2; i++)

//Calculating Sum
   for(i=0; i<2;i++)
    sum = sum + a[i];
   printf("Sum is : %d", sum);

 return 0;


Enter Two Numbers :

Sum is : 98

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Basic C Programming Examples

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