
C Program To Find Area of Square

belongs to collection: Basic C Programming Examples


you have to make this program in the following way:

  • C Program To Find Area of Square (Simple Way)
  • C Program To Find Area of Square Using Function
  • C Program To Find Area of Square Using Pointer
  • C Program To Find Area of Square Using #define or Macro

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C Program To Find Area of Square (Simple Way)


  • Program Start
  • Declare Variables
  • Input side from the User
  • Calculating Area of square
  • Display Result
  • Program End



void main()
   int side, aos;

   printf("\nEnter the Length of Side : ");
   scanf("%d", &side);

   aos = side * side;
   printf("Area of Square : %d", aos);



Enter the Length of Side : 6
Area of Square : 36


C Program To Find Area of Square Using Function


  • Program Start
  • Declare Variables
  • Input side from the User
  • Calling Function to Find Area of square
  • Calculating Area of square
  • Display Result
  • Program End


void aos(int s)
   int area;
   area = s*s;
   printf("Area of Square : %d", area);
void main()
   int side;

   printf("\nEnter the Length of Side : ");
   scanf("%d", &side);



Enter the Length of Side : 3
Area of Square : 9

C Program To Find Area of Square Using Pointer


int aos(int *s)
   int area;
   area = (*s)*(*s);
   return area;
void main()
   int side;

   printf("\nEnter the Length of Side : ");
   scanf("%d", &side);

   printf("Area of Square : %d",aos(&side));



Enter the Length of Side : 9
Area of Square : 81

C Program To Find Area of Square Using #define Macro


#define aos(side) (side*side)
void main()
   int side, aos;

   printf("\nEnter the Length of Side : ");
   scanf("%d", &side);

   printf("Area of Square : %d", aos(side));



Enter the Length of Side : 12
Area of Square : 144

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Basic C Programming Examples

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