
C Program to Find Average of Three Numbers

belongs to collection: Basic C Programming Examples


you have to make this program in the following way:

  • C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers (Simple Way)
  • C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers using Function
  • C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers using Array

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C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers

To find the average of three numbers, we will use the formula to find the average.

Average of three number formula

Average = Sum/Count

Here Sum will be obtained by adding three numbers and instead of Count, it will be 3 because here we are taking the average of 3 numbers, if we take the average of 5 numbers, then 5 will come in place of Count.

C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers (Simple Way)


  • Program Start
  • Declaring Variables
  • Input Three Numbers in Variables
  • Calculating Average of Three Numbers (average = sum/count)
  • Displaying the Average of Three Numbers
  • Program End


//C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers (Simple Way)

void main()
   int x, y, z;           //Declaring Three Variables
   float avg;
   printf("Enter Three Numbers : \n");    
   scanf("%d %d %d",&x, &y, &z);     //Input Numbers
   avg=(x+y+z)/3.0;                  //Calculating Average of three numbers
   printf("Average of Three Numebers is : %f", avg);    


Enter Three Numbers :
Average of Three Numebers is : 16.666666


Program Explanation

  • In this program, we first declared three variables x, y, z.
  • After that created a variable named avg with the help of float data type
  • In this avg variable, we will store the average of the number three.
  • After declaring the variables, we got input three numbers from the user and store those values ​​in the x, y, z variables.
  • After this, we Calculate the average of three numbers using the formula (average = sum/count) and stored its result in the avg variable.
  • Finally, we printed the stored value in this avg variable on the screen with the help of printf() function.
  • In this program, when we calculate the average of three numbers, we wrote 3.0 instead of 3, which means the same thing in maths.

C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers Using Function


  • Program Start
  • Declaring variables
  • Input Numbers
  • Calling Function to find Average
  • Calculating Average
  • Print the Average of three Numbers
  • Program End


//C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers Using Function

void average(int,int, int);
void main()
   int x, y, z;           //Declaring Variables
   printf("Enter Three Numbers : \n");    
   scanf("%d %d %d",&x, &y, &z);     //Input Numbers
   average(x,y,z);  //Calling Function to find the Average of three numbers
void average(int a,int b, int c)
    float avg;
    printf("Average of Three Numebers is : %f", avg);    


Enter Three Numbers : 
Average of Three Numebers is : 23.666666


C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers Using Array


  • Program Start
  • Declaring variables
  • Input Numbers
  • Calculating Sum
  • Calculating Average
  • Print the Average of three Numbers
  • Program End


//C Program to Find the Average of Three Numbers Using Array

void main()
  //Declaring  Variables

   int i, sum = 0, a[3]; 
   float avg;

   printf("Enter Three Numbers : \n");
   for(i=0; i<3; i++)
    scanf("%d",&a[i]);  //Input Numbers

   for(i=0; i<3;i++)
    sum = sum + a[i];  //Input Numbers


   printf("Average of Three Numebers is : %f", avg);



Enter Three Numbers :
Average of Three Numebers is : 33.000000

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