n = 5
Binary value of 1 is: 0b1
Binary value of 2 is: 0b10
Binary value of 3 is: 0b11
Binary value of 4 is: 0b100
Binary value of 5 is: 0b101
# Python program to print the binary value
# of the numbers from 1 to N
# input the value of N
n = int(input("Enter the value of N: "))
# printing the binary value from 1 to N
for i in range(1, n+1):
print("Binary value of ", i, " is: ", bin(i))
First run:
Enter the value of N: 5
Binary value of 1 is: 0b1
Binary value of 2 is: 0b10
Binary value of 3 is: 0b11
Binary value of 4 is: 0b100
Binary value of 5 is: 0b101
Second run:
Enter the value of N: 11
Binary value of 1 is: 0b1
Binary value of 2 is: 0b10
Binary value of 3 is: 0b11
Binary value of 4 is: 0b100
Binary value of 5 is: 0b101
Binary value of 6 is: 0b110
Binary value of 7 is: 0b111
Binary value of 8 is: 0b1000
Binary value of 9 is: 0b1001
Binary value of 10 is: 0b1010
Binary value of 11 is: 0b1011
Python code:
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