
C++ program to demonstrate example of constructor using this pointer


C++ program to demonstrate example of constructor using this pointer

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Constructor using this pointer program in C++


/*C++ program to demonstrate example of constructor using this pointer.*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Demo
    private: //Private Data member section
        int X,Y;
    public://Public Member function section
        //Default or no argument constructor.
                X = 0;
                Y = 0;
                cout << endl << "Constructor Called";
        //Perameterized constructor.
        Demo(int X, int Y)
                this->X = X;
                this->Y = Y;
                cout << endl << "Constructor Called";
        //Destructor called when object is destroyed
                cout << endl << "Destructor Called" << endl;
        //To print output on console
        void putValues()
                cout << endl << "Value of X : " << X;
                cout << endl << "Value of Y : " << Y << endl;
//main function : entry point of program
int main()
    Demo d1= Demo(10,20);
    cout << endl <<"D1 Value Are : ";
    Demo d2= Demo(30,40);
    cout << endl <<"D2 Value Are : ";
    //cout << endl ;
    return 0;


Constructor Called
D1 Value Are : 
Value of X : 10
Value of Y : 20

Constructor Called
D2 Value Are : 
Value of X : 30
Value of Y : 40

Destructor Called

Destructor Called

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