
C++ program to demonstrate example of Default Constructor or No argument


C++ program to demonstrate example of Default Constructor or No argument

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Default Constructor or No argument program in C++


/*C++ program to demonstrate example of Default Constructor or No argument.*/

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Class declaration.
class Demo
    //Private block  to declare data member( X,Y ) of integer type.
        int X;
        int Y;
    //Public block of member function to access data members.
        //Declaration of default or no argument constructor to initialize data members.
            Demo (); 
        //To take input from user.
        void    Input(); 
        //To display output onn screen.
        void    Display();
};//End of class
//Definition of constructor.
Demo:: Demo()
    X = 0;
    Y = 0;
//Definition of Input() member function.
void Demo:: Input()
    cout << "Enter Value of X: "; cin >> X;
    cout << "Enter Value of Y: "; cin >> Y;
//Definition of Display() member function.
void Demo:: Display()
    cout << endl << "X: " << X;
    cout << endl << "Y: " << Y << endl;
int main()
    Demo d ; //Ctor autometically call when object is created.
    //Display value of data member.
    cout << endl <<"Method 1: " << endl;  
    cout << "Value after initialization : " ;
    cout << "Value after User Input : ";
    //We can also create object like this
    Demo d1 = Demo();
    //Display value of data member.
    cout << endl << "Method 2: " << endl;
    cout << "Value after initialization : ";
    return 0;


    Method 1: 
    Value after initialization : 
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Enter Value of X: 23
    Enter Value of Y: 24
    Value after User Input : 
    X: 23
    Y: 24

    Method 2: 
    Value after initialization : 
    X: 0
    Y: 0

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