C program to remove a non-empty directory using the system() function
belongs to collection: File Handling Examples Programs in C language
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In this program, we will read the name of the non-empty directory, and then we will remove the given non-empty directory using the system() function by specifying the "rm" command.
The source code to remove a non-empty directory is given below. The given program is compiled and executed using GCC compile on UBUNTU 18.04 OS successfully.
Here, we created a character array dirName. Then we read the name of the directory from the user. Then we removed the non-empty directory using the system() function. The system() function is used to execute the command. So, we created a command using the sprintf() function. Then we pass the created command in the system() function and removed the given non-empty directory. After that, we printed the appropriate message on the console screen.
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