
Remove special symbols / punctuation from a string using python programming

belongs to collection: Python String Exercises


Remove special symbols / punctuation from a string


str1 = "/*Jon is @developer & musician"

Expected Output:

"Jon is developer musician"

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Use string functions translate() and maketrans()

  • Use the translate() function to get a new string where specified characters are replaced with the character described in a dictionary or a mapping table.
  • Use the maketrans() function to create a mapping table.

Or Use the regex in Python. See Python regex replace.

Solution1:Use string functions translate() and maketrans().

Use string functions translate() and maketrans().

import string

str1 = "/*Jon is @developer & musician"
print("Original string is ", str1)

new_str = str1.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))

print("New string is ", new_str)

Solution2:Using regex replace pattern in a string

import re

str1 = "/*Jon is @developer & musician"
print("Original string is ", str1)

# replace special symbols with ''
res = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', str1)
print("New string is ", res)

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Python String Exercises

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