
Write a python program to count occurrences of all characters within a string

belongs to collection: Python String Exercises


Write a program to count occurrences of all characters within a string


str1 = "Apple"

Expected Outcome:

{'A': 1, 'p': 2, 'l': 1, 'e': 1}

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Use the string function count()


  • create an empty dictionary to store the result. character is the key, and the count is the value
  • Iterate each character from a string s1 using a loop
  • In the body of a loop, use the count() function to find how many times a current character appeared in a string
  • Add key-value pair in a dictionary
str1 = "Apple"

# create a result dictionary
char_dict = dict()

for char in str1:
    count = str1.count(char)
    # add / update the count of a character
    char_dict[char] = count
print('Result:', char_dict)

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Python String Exercises

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